Readiness and grace in physical activity; skill and ease in using the hands; expertness in manual acts; as, dexterity with the chisel
One of the six character abilities Dexterity measures hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance The numerical rating of Dexterity is called the Dexterity score Dexterity is abbreviated Dex
Ability to bring weapons into effective use, depends upon Power Curve (for speed in attack), Maneuverability (to employ this speed well) and well placed weapon arcs (to make the attack) The Orion BR and Klink D5 are rumored to be dexterous
How much movement a character has A high Dexterity also affects your Armor Class
Readiness in the use or control of the mental powers; quickness and skill in managing any complicated or difficult affair; adroitness
Your adroitness An important stat for everyone, but especially warriors and rogues Affects e g your disarming ability and the number of blows per round you get with your weapon
Turkish - Turkish
Definition of el uzluğu in Turkish Turkish dictionary