Definition of el nino in English Turkish dictionary
El Niño Güney Dalgalanmaları (El Niño-Southern Oscillation - ENSO), küresel bir okyanus-atmosfer fenomenidir. El Niño ve La Niña, Doğu Büyük Okyanus yüzey sularının sıcaklığındaki büyük dalgalanmalar ve bu dalgalanmaların yol açtığı atmosferik olayların genel adı olarak kullanılmaktadır. İsimler İspanyolca "küçük oğlan" veya "yaramaz çocuk" ve "küçük kız" anlamına gelmektedir. "Çocuk", İsa'yı simgelemektedir, çünkü El Niño Güney Amerika'nin batı kıyılarında Noel zamanında etkili olur
El Nino, atmosfer ile okyanus akıntılarının Doğu Pasifiğe doğru bir ılık su akımı oluşturmalarıdır. Güney Amerika'nin kuzey batı sahili açıklarında okyanusun vahim şekilde ısınması gibi bir sonuç ortaya koyacak sürecin başlamasıyla bir kartopu etkisi oluşur. Bu, okyanusun derinliklerindeki suyun yüzeye doğru yükselmesini engeller. Balıklar için besin değeri yüksek yiyecekler, okyanusun en üst tabakasına kadar yükselmezler. Bu, balıkların daha da güneye doğru göç etmelerine ve Güney Amerika balıkçılık sanayiini alt üst edip Güney Amerika'nin batısında ciddi boyutlarda bir kıtlık yaşanmasına neden olur. Bu aynı zamanda güneybatı taraflarında ve Kuzey Amerika'nin yaylalarında da kuraklık ve dolayısıyla kıtlık yaratmaktadır. Güney yarıküre yazı sırasında (kasımdan başlayarak) sıcak suların Peru akıntısı alanına girmesini sağlayabilir. Felaket getiren sonuçlar şunlardır; tufan biçiminde yağmurlar, faunada ve kuş faunasında görülen yüksek düzeyde ölümler, Kuzey Peru açıklarında yakalanan balıklarda azalma
peryodik olarak ekvatorun sahili boyunca güneye doğru akan bir sıcak su akıntısı
Turkish - Turkish
Definition of el nino in Turkish Turkish dictionary
climactic phenomenon that occurs every 3 to 5 years in which the wind direction changes in the Pacific and ocean waters are unusually warm (affects weather patterns worldwide)
A name given to the event when abnormally warm surface waters appear near the coast of equatorial South America
a complex set of changes in the water temperature in the Eastern Pacific equatorial region, producing a warm current; it occurs annually to some degree between October and February, but in some years intensifies and causes unusual storms and destruction of marine life and land ecosystems (From Spanish for "the child;" meaning the Christ child; it typically begins at Christmas time) (Morris 1992)
A regularly occurring atmospheric phenomenon where a weather pattern originating in the Pacific causes increased water temperatures, and ensuing extremes in both drought and rainfall Recently intense and more frequent El Nino-related weather may be the result of global warming
A change in the climate every 2-5 years, causing the eastern Pacific Ocean to be unseasonably warm, and contributes to a series of climatic changes across the world
the Christ child (oceanography) a warm ocean current that flows along the equator from the date line and south off the coast of Ecuador at Christmas time
This is a phenomenon that causes the surface waters to become warmer In particular, it is the warming of surface waters in the southeastern Pacific ocean This pattern impacts the weather patterns on a global level El Nino typically generates drier weather in southeastern Africa, India and the western pacific The United States tends to experience wetter conditions during El Nino Scientists generally believe El Nino is caused by seafloor spreading activity
A climatic phenomenon occurring irregularly, but generally every 3 to 5 years El Ninos often first become evident during the Christmas season (El Nino means Christ child) in the surface oceans of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean The phenomenon involves seasonal changes in the direction of the tropical winds over the Pacific and abnormally warm surface ocean temperatures The changes in the tropics are most intense in the Pacific region, these changes can disrupt weather patterns throughout the tropics and can extend to higher latitudes, especially in Central and North America The relationship between these events and global weather patterns are currently the subject of much research in order to enhance prediction of seasonal to interannual fluctuations in the climate
a mass of unseasonably warm water in the eastern pacific which warms up the ocean
A major warming of the equatorial waters in the Pacific Ocean El Nino events usually occur every 3 to 7 years, and are characterized by shifts in "normal" weather patterns See El Nino and La Nina page
A warming of the ocean surface off the western coast of South America that occurs every 4 to 12 years when upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water does not occur It causes die-offs of plankton and fish and affects Pacific jet stream winds, altering storm tracks and creating unusual weather patterns in various parts of the world
(oceanography) a warm ocean current that flows along the equator from the date line and south off the coast of Ecuador at Christmas time
Name given to the occasional development of warm ocean surface waters along the coast of Ecuador and Peru When this warming occurs the tropical Pacific trade winds weaken and the usual upwelling of cold, nutrient rich deep ocean water off the coast of Ecuador and Peru is reduced The El Nino normally occurs around Christmas and lasts usually for a few weeks to a few months Sometimes an extremely warm event can develop that lasts for much longer time periods
The cyclical warming of East Pacific Ocean sea water temperatures off the western coast of South America that can result in significant changes in weather patterns in the United States and elsewhere This occurs when warm equatorial Pacific waters move in and displace the colder waters, cutting off the upwelling process
A warm ocean current setting south along the coast of Ecuador, so called because it generally develops just after Christmas In exceptional years, concurrently with a southerly shift in the tropical rain belt, the current may extend along the coast of Peru to 12=AE$=AFS When this occurs, plankton and fish are killed in the coastal waters and a phenomenon somewhat like the red tide of Florida results
the periodic warming of the eastern Pacific ocean waters causing a reversal in trade winds and the equatorial current Generally affects weather on a global scale from causing droughts to increasing the number and frequency of tropical storms
A southward-flowing nutrient poor current of warm water off the coast of western S America, caused by a breakdown of trade wind circulation Usually results in above average rainfall
A warm water current flowing from west to east across the Pacific Ocean near the equator Because ocean and wind currents have such strong influence on climate, El Nino brings with it dramatic changes in world climate
An invasion of warm water into the surface of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Peru and Ecuador every four to seven years that causes changes in local and regional climate, associated with a positive anomaly
Additionally, scientists aren’t expecting to be surprised again by El Niño, a warming of the Pacific Ocean that tends to dampen Atlantic hurricane activity. (Houston Chronicle, 5/23/2007).
el nino
el Ni·no
Turkish pronunciation
el ninō
/ˈel ˈnēnō/ /ˈɛl ˈniːnoʊ/
() Spanish, meaning “The Little Boy,” referring to the Christ child, as the phenomenon is observed around Christmas time