ekonomik randıman

listen to the pronunciation of ekonomik randıman
Turkish - English
economic efficiency
Occurs when the economy's resources are allocated to their best uses; an equilibrium is reached in which the marginal benefits of an activity equal the marginal costs (e g , supply equals demand, or marginal benefits equal marginal damages)
A criterion for evaluating a program or public policy A program or policy is economically efficient if, among the possible alternative programs or policies, it has the largest excess of social benefits over social costs
a measure of the size of consumer surplus and producer surplus An increase in the combined surpluses is an increase in economic efficiency
A criterion for assessing an investment or intervention in an economy An investment or intervention is said to be economically efficient when it maximizes the value of output from the resources available
Economically efficient production is organized to minimize the ratio of inputs to outputs Production is economically efficient when goods are produced at minimum cost in money and resources This typically occurs where input prices are used to find the least-expensive production process
The extent to which resources are used for the purpose for which they are best suited and most desired by society
A state in which the cost of producing a given output is as low as possible
- the allocation of goods to their highest relative economic value
Efficiency in the use and allocation of productive resources
A technique used to evaluate the effectiveness of inputs (costs) to produce outputs (benefits) and effects when all costs and benefits that can be identified and valued are included in the computations Economic efficiency is often evaluated using present net value calculations and(or) benefit/cost ratios
A term that refers to the optimal production and consumption of goods and services This generally occurs when prices of products and services reflect their marginal costs Economic efficiency gains can be achieved through cost reduction, but it is better to think of the concept as actions that promote an increase in overall net value (which includes, but is not limited to, cost reductions)
In commercial fishing, the point at which the added cost of producing a unit of fish is equal to what buyers pay Producing fewer fish would bring the cost lower than what buyers are paying Producing more fish would raise the cost higher than what buyers are paying Harvesting at the point of economic efficiency produces the maximum economic yield See maximum economic yield and economic rent