Short-termusually less than a day and, perhaps, hourlysales of gas to meet unanticipated increases in demand or shortages of gas experienced by the buyer
Typically describes the peak water demand for a municipal water system and is expressed as a ratio of the base demand level, e g , 2: 1 peaking represents a peak demand that is twice the base demand
An equalizer circuit that is used to cut and boost a signal, centered about a specific frequency, Using the bandwidth (Q) parameter, you can widen or narrow the effect of the circuit
A common expression used to describe the electronic manipulation of gray tones to increase contrast in an image
The variation of hourly water flows above and below the daily average flow (for instance, midday flow higher than evening and night flows), primarily due to hydroelectric generating operations during which water is stocked during periods of off-peak demand in order to increase hydroelectric power generation at peak periods (variation journalière)