Definition of drug of abuse in English English dictionary
a drug that is taken for nonmedicinal reasons (usually for mind-altering effects); drug abuse can lead to physical and mental damage and (with some substances) dependence and addiction
excessive use of drugs, use of drugs in a self-destructive manner; use of any legal or illicit chemical substance that causes physical or mental or behavioral impairment in a person
Using illegal drugs; using legal drugs inappropriately The repeated, high-dose, self-administration of drugs to produce pleasure, to alleviate stress, or to alter or avoid reality (or all three)
Continued use of a drug despite serious consequences in the absence of signs of dependency (i e , no symptoms of tolerance, withdrawal, or compulsive craving) See also drug dependence
The nonmedical use of a substance for any of the following reasons: psychic effect, dependence, or suicide attempt/gesture In DAWN, nonmedical use means