
listen to the pronunciation of down's
English - Turkish

Definition of down's in English Turkish dictionary

{s} aşağıya doğru

Kano ile bir nehirden aşağıya doğru gittik. - We went down a river by canoe.

O onunla tepeden aşağıya doğru yarıştı. - She raced him down the hill.


Ağaçtaki kedi bana doğru aşağıya geldi. - The cat on the tree came down to me.

Yanaklarından aşağı akan gözyaşlarıyla bana baktı. - She looked at me with tears running down her cheeks.

down payment
on ödeme
break down
lie down

Ben birkaç dakika için yatmak istiyorum. - I'd like to lie down for a few minutes.

Ben yatmak istiyorum. - I'd like to lie down.

cut down on
go down

Sahile inmek için hâlâ çok soğuk. - It's still too cold to go down to the shore.

Sen bu yoldan aşağıya doğru inmek istemiyorsun. - You don't want to go down this road.

sit down

Tom, birkaç saniye için oturmak istedi. - Tom wanted to sit down for a few seconds.

John kapıyı çaldığında Tom ve Mary akşam yemeği için oturmak üzerelerdi. - Tom and Mary were about to sit down for dinner when John knocked on the door.

fall down
slow down

Biraz yavaşlamak isteyebilirsin. - You may want to slow down a bit.

Araba sürerken virajlarda yavaşlamak zorundasınız. - When you are driving, you should slow down on corners.

close down
shut down
lie down

Birkaç dakika uzanmak istiyorum. - I want to lie down for a few minutes.

Uzanmak ve bir süre dinlenmek istiyorum. - I want to lie down and rest for a while.

shut down

Fabrikayı kapatmak zorunda olmayacağımıza dair bir olasılık var. - There is a possibility that we won't have to shut down the factory.

slow down

Döner kavşağın amacı trafiği yavaşlatmaktır. - The purpose of a roundabout is to slow down traffic.

broken down
{s} çökük
Down's Syndrome
Down sendromu
{s} düşen

Düşen bir ağaç tarafından hareketsiz kaldı. - He was pinned down by a fallen tree.

double down
1. Bahsi iki katına çıkarmak2. bir şeyi iki kat artırmak

Çabucak aşağıya gelip gelemiyeceğini içhaberleşmede ona sorduk. - We asked him on the interphone if he could come downstairs quickly.

Biz bir mermi tarafından vurulabileceğimizden korkuyorduk, bu yüzden aşağıya koştuk. - We were afraid that we might be hit by a bullet, so we ran downstairs.


Aşağıdaki vadiye baktı. - He looked down at the valley below.

Sen aşağıda orada ne yapıyordun? - What were you doing down there?

aşağıya almak
{i} nefret
down to the wire
{k} son ana kadar: They worked right down to the wire. Son ana kadar çalıştılar
(Argo) arkadaş olmak
(Bilgisayar) düştü

O içeriye girer girmez düştü. - The instant he came in, he fell down.

O, merdivenden düştü. - He fell down the stairs.

yüzü koyun
(Argo) bir kişiyle iyi anlaşmak
aşağı indirmek

Bizim sosyal engelleri yıkmak için çok çalışmamız gerekmektedir. - We must work hard to break down social barriers.

Bu evin çok fazla onarıma ihtiyacı var, onu yıkmak ve yenisini yapmak daha kolay olacaktır. - This house needs so many repairs, it would be easier to tear it down and build a new one.

(Argo) saygı göstermek
kuş tüyü

O kuş tüyü yastık pahalı görünüyor. - That down pillow looks expensive.

Kuş tüyü ceketim beni ısıttı. - My down jacket kept me warm.

yumuşak tüy

Çoğu insanın kendi evliliklerinde inişleri ve çıkışları vardır. - Most people have ups and downs in their marriages.

Mary, Tom'un iniş ve çıkışlarını anlar. - Mary understands Tom's ups and downs.

down low
(Spor) alçak post bölgesi
down on one's luck
kör talih
down payment
down town
down town
down with!

Yolsuzluk yapan siyasetçiler kahrolsun. - Down with corrupt politicians.

do sth hands down
bir işi parmağının ucuyla çevirmek
güneye doğru
kâğıt üstünde

At yolun aşağısına doğru tırıs gitti. - The horse trotted down the road.

Tom ve Mary kanolarında nehrin aşağısına doğru sürüklendiler. - Tom and Mary drifted down the river in their canoe.

kötü bir duruma
yazı olarak
daha düşük bir düzeye
sağlam bir şekilde

Postane caddenin aşağısındadır. - The post office is down the street.

Tom'un evi caddenin tam aşağısında. - Tom's house is just down the street.

ç.(İngiltere'deki) çimenli alçak tepeler

Hol boyunca tek başıma yürüdüm. - Tom walked down the hall alone.

Tom'u sahil boyunca yürürken gördüm. - I saw Tom walking down the beach.

{i} tepe

O, tepelerde aşağı yukarı yürürken nefes nefese idi. - She was out of breath from walking up and down hills.

O, fakir insanlara asla tepeden bakmaz. - He never looks down on poor people.


Sizi hayal kırıklığına uğrattığım için üzgünüm. - I'm sorry I let you down.

Oldukça üzgün görünüyorsun. - You look pretty down.

yere vurmak
down and out
down arrow
aşağı ok
down at heel
down at heel
down feathers
kıl tüyleri
down in the dumps
down in the dumps
down in the dumps
down in the dumps
down in the mouth
down payment

Peşinat için yeterli para biriktirebilir misin? - Can you save enough money for the down payment?

Tom onun peşinatını ona geri vermemizi istedi. - Tom demanded that we give him back his down payment.

down payment
down payment
down period
bakım ve onarım için kapalı dönem
down resistant
tüy geçmez
down time
bozuk kalma süresi
down to the ground
her hususta
down to the wire
son dakikaya kadar
down tools
çalışmayı bırakmak
down town
ucuz mal satılan yer

Tom gerçekten gerçekçi bir adam. - Tom is a real down-to-earth guy.

Tom çok pratik, gerçekçi bir kişidir. - Tom's a very practical, down-to-earth person.

Down with ...
(Politika Siyaset) Kahrolsun düşman, ...'e ölüm etc

Expression of hostility against .

don't let me down
beni izin verme
dot down
aşağı nokta
down at heels
(ayakkabı)topukları aşınmış
down at heels
düşkün, perişan, salaş, sefil, pejmürde
down bow
boyun eğmek
down feed
sıcak sulu veya buharlı bir ısıtma tesisatında ana borunun bina üstüne çıkartılıp buradan-aşağı doğru- dairelere beslenmesi. Üstten besleme
down hearted
aşağı kalpli
down hill
tepeden aşağıya
down home
ev aşağı
down in the dumps
down in the mouth/dumps
k. dili üzüntülü, hayal kırıklığına uğramış
down line
satır aşağı
down low
Gizli kapaklı
down milling
(Mühendislik) eş yönlü frezeleme
down pat
aşağı pat
down play
down slanted eyes
aşağıya eğik gözler
down stair
merdiven aşağı
down stream
down the tube
tamamen kaybolmuş
down the tubes
tüpler aşağı
down the wind
rüzgâr yönünde
down times
kez aşağı
down to
-den dolayı, -(n)ın yüzünden/nedeniyle

Some psychologist suggest that the reason that some people describe themselves as lonely may be down to the reason that they have lonely people around them.

down to earth
gerçekçi pratik
down to wire
aşağı tel
down weigh
down with
(deyim) With bağlacı ile karşı çıkış bildirir: "Up with freedom, down with repression! - Yaşasın özgürlük, kahrolsun baskı!"
down with influenza
gripten yatağa düşmüş
Kılıksız, eski püskü giysili
Perişan bir durumda
aşağı dereceli
bkz: downregulation
get down to brass tacks/get down to business
k. dili asıl işe gelmek/bakmak, asıl işi ele almak
knock down, precipitate, take down
Yıkmak, çökelti aşağı çekmek
quieten down, calm down
Sakin aşağı susturmak
English - English
Down's syndrome
Down's syndrome
Condition caused by a chromosomal deficiency, whereby the patients bear a certain resemblance to the Mongoloid race, such as a small head and tilted eyelids
Down's syndrome
Down's syn·drome in AM, usually use Down syndrome Down's syndrome is a disorder that some people are born with. People who have Down's syndrome have a flat forehead and sloping eyes and lower than average intelligence. Variant of Down syndrome. a condition that someone is born with, that stops them from developing in a normal way, both mentally and physically (J. H. L. Down (1828-96), English doctor)
Down's syndrome
type of mental retardation caused by a person having abnormal chromosomes
One of the counties of Northern Ireland
Down syndrome
Condition caused by a chromosomal excess, whereby the patients bear a certain resemblance to the Mongoloid race, such as a small head and tilted eyelids
doss down
To sleep on someone's sofa or floor because there is no bed spare

After the party, John let me doss down on the living-room floor.

double down
To double one's wager
double down
To double or significantly increase a risk, investment, or other commitment

Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama all want to get out of Iraq. They all want to double down in Afghanistan.

Alternative form of double down
doubled down
Simple past tense and past participle of double down
doubles down
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of double down
doubling down
Present participle of double down
From a higher position to a lower one; downwards

The cat jumped down from the table.

Of a task; finished in phrases like:

Two down and three to go. (Two tasks completed and three more still to be done.).

To bring a play to an end by touching the ball to the ground or while it is on the ground

He downed it at the seven-yard line.

A clue whose solution runs vertically in the grid

I haven't solved 12 or 13 across, but I've got most of the downs.

Committed to memory; memorised, in phrases like:

It's two weeks until opening night and our lines are still not down yet.

a negative thing

I love almost everything about my job. The only down is that I can't take Saturdays off.

To put a ball in a pocket; to pot a ball

He downed two balls on the break.

Away from the city (even if the location is to the North)

Down country.

At a lower place or position

His place is farther down the road.

Into a state of non-operation

They closed the shop down.

From the higher end to the lower of

The ball rolled down the hill.

To drink or swallow, especially without stopping before the vessel containing the liquid is empty

He downed an ale and ordered another.

South (as south is at the bottom of typical maps)

I went down to Miami for a conference.

With "with", relaxed about, accepting of

I'm down with him hanging with us.

With "on", negative about, hostile to

Ever since Nixon, I've been down on Republicans.

The direction leading away from the principal terminus, away from milepost zero
To write off; to make fun of
Hill, rolling grassland

Churchill Downs, Upson Downs (from Auntie Mame, by Patrick Dennis).

Depressed, feeling low

So, things got you down? / Is Rodney Dangerfield giving you no respect? / Well, bunky, cheer up!.

Field, especially for racing
From one end to another of

They walked down the beach holding hands.

Get down

said to a dog Down, boy!.

Inoperable; out of order; out of service

The system is down.

On a lower level than before

Prices are down.

To cause to come down

The storm downed several old trees along the highway.

A single play, from the time the ball is snapped (the start) to the time the whistle is blown (the end) when the ball is down, or is downed
Soft, fluffy immature feathers which grow on young birds. Used as insulating material in duvets, sleeping bags and jackets
down a shot
to drink quickly the contents of a shot glass
down and out
In a condition of poverty or debility, especially as a result of experiencing a financial or personal setback

People who are down and out need some place to turn.

down antiquark
the antiparticle of a down quark
down at heel
Shabbily dressed, slovenly; impoverished

Last year, he was down at heel, homeless and had an erratic relationship with his family.

down at heel
In poor condition, especially due to having worn heels; worn-out, shabby

A pair of Oxford-mixture trousers . . .fell in a series of not the most graceful folds over a pair of shoes sufficiently down at heel to display a pair of very soiled white stockings.

down at the heel
Alternative form of down at heel
down at the heels
Alternative form of down at heel
down cellar
Downstairs; the opposite of upstairs

I had to run down cellar to turn off the water main.

down for the count
Decisively beaten; rendered irrelevant for the long term
down in the dumps
Sad; lacking engagement or enthusiasm

Being out of work sometimes makes you feel down in the dumps and being out here with my buddies helps..

down in the heel
Alternative form of down at heel
down in the heels
Alternative form of down at heel
down in the mouth
Sad or discouraged, especially as indicated by one's facial appearance

He was down in the mouth and low on self-confidence, says his mother, Nina Engel.

down line
A railway line on which trains travel away from a major terminus

The number of down-trains daily is fifty-one, and up-trains fifty; the ropes, therefore, travel 155.25 miles on the up-line, and 158.35 miles on the down-line, or altogether 313.60 miles daily.

down low
the state of being a man who secretly sleeps with people other than his partner
down low

I'll tell you, but keep it on the down low.

down low
the state of being a man who secretly sleeps with other men
down on one's luck
Unlucky or undergoing a period of bad luck, especially with respect to financial matters

Pitcher Kyle Lohse, 29, who has had unsuccessful stints with the Minnesota Twins, Cincinnati Reds and Philadelphia Phillies, seems to have found a home with the St. Louis Cardinals, a team that has a knack for turning around pitchers down on their luck.

down pat
Thoroughly practiced, rehearsed, or understood

He has the look of Bruce Lee down pat, with the same defiant expression and spare but muscled frame.

down payment
By extension, any initial commitment signifying an intention to carry out a larger future commitment, even though no legal rights or obligations are secured

These commitments of troops, trainers, and civilians represent a strong down payment on the future of our mission in Afghanistan and on the future of NATO.

down payment
A payment representing a fraction of the price of something being purchased, made to secure the right to continue making payments towards that purchase
down payments
plural form of down payment
down quark
A quark having a fractional electric charge of -1/3 and a mass about 4 to 8 MeV. Symbol: d
down quarks
plural form of down quark
down start
a starting position in longtrack speedskating, whereby the speedskater adopts tripod position with the ice surface, with one hand down, and both skates
down tack
The IPA diacritic of primary articulation: , used to denote a lowered phone; for vowels, the diacritic denotes a slightly more open utterance; for consonants, it moves the point of articulation one step forward in this chain: nasal → plosive → fricative → approximant → trill → tap, flap → lateral fricative → lateral approximant → lateral flap
down the banks
a severe criticism, scolding, reprimand, or punishment

In a time in Ireland when politicians and public representatives and others are getting down the banks (if you’ll pardon the pun), a special word of gratitude goes to TD John Browne and Enniscorthy Town Councillor Keith Doyle for their support.

down the banks
in prison

A independent woter ain't the cheese any longer. ... The Stars is out in all kinds o' weather, and if they shines on a feller when he's got half a dozen glasses on board, the Watch-us', Squire Cole, and ten days down the banks, is the word!.

down the drain
Wasted, squandered; irretrievable

Behind every beautiful thing there's been some kind of pain.

down the hatch
Into the mouth and down the throat, especially with regard to the consumption of a beverage

As waiters brought trays of meat, the guests reached over and harvested the pink slices with their bare hands, popping them down the hatch.

down the line
Further along, in terms of time or progress

They decided to save money by using the cheapest components available, but down the line they ran into problems with reliability.

down the road
Further along, in terms of time or progress

They decided to save money by using the cheapest components available, but down the road they ran into problems with reliability.

down the road, not across the street
Along the radial artery rather than across the wrist from side to side
down the tube
Alternative form of down the tubes
down the tubes
Into a state of collapse or failure
down to a T
Alternative form of to a T
down to a fine art
Having or showing exceptional proficiency
down to a science
Perfected; practiced ease and confidence

I have my painting technique down to a science.

down to the short strokes
In the final steps or decisive phase of an undertaking, especially one which has been lengthy or laborious

I would say we are down to the short strokes, down to the cleanup phase of the investigation, said E. Campion Kersten, a Fox Point lawyer.

down to the short strokes
To the final steps or decisive phase of an undertaking, especially one which has been lengthy or laborious

Anyone who wants to vote on delegates who will then decide whether to ratify the deal must have a membership by the end of this week. It's getting down to the short strokes, MacKay said.

down to the wire
At the very end of a process or project, especially one with a fast-approaching deadline

He was almost done with the paper, but tomorrow's due date meant it would be down to the wire.

down tube
A vertical tube making up part of a bicycle frame
down tubes
plural form of down tube
down under
in Australia, to Australia

Foster's claims to be Australian, but nobody drinks it down under.

down with
away with!, cease!

Down with the war!.

down with his apple-cart
knock or throw him down
used to indicate lower position or direction, literally or figuratively

The end of the ride was a long coast downhill.

used to indicate de-emphasis
used to indicate decrease

Those bonds have been down-rated.

Alternative spelling of down and out
Someone who is down and out
Attributive form of down at heel
falling down and thus resembling gyves

Ungartered and down-gyved to his ankle,.

Simple and unpretentious, especially having the characteristics of a Southern rural lifestyle
Alternative spelling of down line

The number of down-trains daily is fifty-one, and up-trains fifty; the ropes, therefore, travel 155.25 miles on the up-line, and 158.35 miles on the down-line, or altogether 313.60 miles daily.

Describing a lower level in a hierarchical management structure
Alternative spelling of down low
Practical; realistic; pragmatic

He had a down-to-earth attitude that translated into a straightforward, but effective strategy.

down the track
(Ev ile ilgili) Further along, in terms of time or progress
double down
(Ev ile ilgili) 1. (idiomatic, gambling) To double one's wager2. (idiomatic, by extension) To double or significantly increase a risk, investment, or other commitment
{v} to subdue, bring low, destroy, go down
{a} on the ground
{p} along a descent
{n} a large open plain, very soft fethers
down for the count
(deyim) If someone is down for the count, they have lost a struggle, like a boxer who has been knocked out
down for the count
(deyim) Defeated by an oponent, out of the contest

Chad was down for the count. He couldn't get up.

down home
(adjective) Of, relating to, or reminiscent of a simple, wholesome, unpretentious lifestyle, especially that associated with the rural southern United States
down in the dumps
Depressed or unhappy
down low
Covert, secret, "hush hush". (Derived from 'low profile')
down to
1. as far as (the lowest, smallest, least, or last item or member);2. attributable to;3. the responsibility of, up to
down to
Even including the following minor things or people

1. Amalie was dressed completely in black, right down to black lipstick and a black earring. 2. Everyone, from the Director down to the secretaries, was questioned by the police.

look-down, shoot-down
Describing a phased-array radar powerful enough to pick aircraft out of ground clutter from high altitude
Turkish - English

Definition of down's in Turkish English dictionary

down sendromu
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) down syndrome