double check

listen to the pronunciation of double check
English - Turkish
çifte kontrol

Sadece çifte kontrol yapmam gerektiğini düşündüm. - I just thought I should double check.

iki kez kontrol etme
tekrar gözden geçirmek
çifte kontrol etmek
iki kere denetlemek
tekrar kontrol etmek
English - English
A situation in which a king is attacked by two of the opponent's men at once
to check again; to check with extra caution or attention; to verify or make sure

I'm pretty sure that he's not coming, but I can double check the guest list.

A discovered attack where both the moving piece and the uncovered piece attack the enemy king See the lesson on Discovered Attacks
The piece that moves ends up guarding the king, but its movement also exposes check by another piece as well See also: check, exposed check
something that checks the correctness of a previous check
A discovered check wherein the both the moved piece and the revealed piece give check simultaneously The only way to escape a double check is for the King to move
inspect or check again, look over a second time, check twice
two checks given by the same; a discovery in which both the moving and stationary units give check
check once more to be absolutely sure
If you double-check something, you examine or test it a second time to make sure that it is completely correct or safe. Check and double-check spelling and punctuation Double-check that the ladder is secure Don't believe what you are told; double-check with an independent source. to check something again so that you are completely sure it is correct, safe etc
double check


    dou·ble check

    Turkish pronunciation

    dʌbıl çek


    /ˈdəbəl ˈʧek/ /ˈdʌbəl ˈʧɛk/


    [ 'd&-b&l ] (adjective.) 13th century. Middle English, from Old French, from Latin duplus , from duo two + -plus multiplied by; akin to Old English -feald -fold; more at TWO, -FOLD.