don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs

listen to the pronunciation of don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs
English - Turkish
(Atasözü) Tereciye tere satılmaz
don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs


    don't teach your grand·moth·er to suck eggs

    Turkish pronunciation

    dōnt tiç yôr grändmʌdhır tı sʌk egz


    /ˈdōnt ˈtēʧ ˈyôr ˈgrandˌməᴛʜər tə ˈsək ˈegz/ /ˈdoʊnt ˈtiːʧ ˈjɔːr ˈɡrændˌmʌðɜr tə ˈsʌk ˈɛɡz/