do not be angry at me on account of these words

listen to the pronunciation of do not be angry at me on account of these words
English - German
Sei mir ob dieser Worte nicht böse
do not be angry at me on account of these words


    do not be an·gry at me on ac·count of these words

    Turkish pronunciation

    du nät bi änggri ät mi ôn ıkaunt ıv dhiz wırdz


    /ˈdo͞o ˈnät bē ˈaɴɢgrē ˈat ˈmē ˈôn əˈkount əv ˈᴛʜēz ˈwərdz/ /ˈduː ˈnɑːt biː ˈæŋɡriː ˈæt ˈmiː ˈɔːn əˈkaʊnt əv ˈðiːz ˈwɜrdz/