disorder characterized by an accumulation of calcium in the tissues (pathology)

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English - Turkish

Definition of disorder characterized by an accumulation of calcium in the tissues (pathology) in English Turkish dictionary

(Tıp) Vücudun yumuşak dokularında kalsiyum veya kalsiyum tuzlarının toplanması ile belirgin durum
(Diş Hekimliği) patolojik veya normal dokularda kireçlenme. Örn: calsinosis circumscripta= deri-derialtı dokularda yerel kireçlenme
English - English
{i} calcinosis
disorder characterized by an accumulation of calcium in the tissues (pathology)


    dis·or·der char·ac·ter·ized by an ac·cu·mu·la·tion of cal·ci·um in the tissues (pathology)