A financial arrangement in which energy trader A (who lacks sufficient credit with energy trader B) uses energy trader C (who still has sufficient credit with trader B) to sell to trader B by first selling his energy to trader C In effect, trader A uses trader C as his "sleeve" to trader B and pays C a premium to "rent" his credit standing with B for the deal
A double tube of copper, in section like the figure 8, into which the ends of bare wires are pushed so that when the tube is twisted an electrical connection is made
The plastic jacket on the shaft of the oar upon which is mounted a button, used to secure the blade to the oarlock
A tubular form made of various materials, usually open at both ends, made in various shapes, which is slipped over or in an item A tubular carton with open ends
a protective envelope for a sound disc, made of cardboard or paper, and usually inserted in a container See also: Container
A metallic section of conduit (typ ) that extends above the floor line (after coring) at least one (1) inch, and extends into the space below as required by local fire codes Review local codes to determine exact dimensions and firestopping practices
the part of a garment that is attached at armhole and provides a cloth covering for the arm small case into which an object fits
1) A seamless cylindrical printing plate used in rotary intaglio printing 2) A flat transparent holder, often specifically for protecting and storing a cover