
listen to the pronunciation of diseased
English - Turkish
{s} hasta
{s} hasta, sayrı; hastalıklı
{s} rahatsız
{s} hastalıklı
He was diseased in body and mind
Hem vücutça hem akılca hasta idi

Kanser tek değil fakat yüzlerce farklı hastalıklardan biridir. - Cancer is not one but more than one hundred distinct diseases.

O, ağır bir hastalıktan acı çekiyor. - He is suffering from an aggravated disease.

{i} rahatsızlık
{i} illet

Tom'un söylediği bir şeye nasıl güvenebilirsin? O patolojik bir yalancı. - How can anyone trust anything Tom says? He's a pathological liar.

(Tıp) Patoloi ile ilgili
(Tıp) Normal dışı seyir gösteren, hastalık işareti olan, marazi, patolojik
English - English
Affected with or suffering from disease
{a} afflicted with a distemper, paind
{s} sick, infected
Something that is diseased is affected by a disease. The arteries are diseased and a transplant is the only hope healthy
caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology; "diseased tonsils"; "a morbid growth"; "pathologic tissue"; "pathological bodily processes"
Afflicted with disease
Any abnormal or harmful condition, as of society, people's attitudes, way of living etc

War is not man's great and terrible disease; war is a symptom, a result. The real disease is the virus of national sovereignty.

To cause unease; to annoy, irritate

mote he soft himselfe appease, / And fairely fare on foot, how euer loth; / His double burden did him sore disease.

To infect with a disease
{i} sickness, illness
An involuntary disability Alcoholism is a chronic disease consisting of genetic, psychosocial, and environmental elements
{v} to afflict, vex, torment, pain, infect
{n} a distempter, sickness, uneasiness, pain
any impairment of an organism's vital functions or systems, including interruption, cessation, proliferation, or other malfunction
Sickness; illness; an interruption, or disturbance of the bodily functions or organs, which causes or threatens pain and weakness
A general term used to refer to any departure from health in which a patient suffers It can be defined as disorder of bodily function or destructive processes in organs, organs' systems or in an organism with recognizable signs and symptoms, and in many cases a known cause The words disease, illness and sickness are used often interchangeably but are not synonymous Rather, whereas disease relates to a physiological or psychological dysfunction, an illness is the subjective state of a patient who feels unwell and sickness encompasses a state of social dysfunction, such as the role that the individual assumes when ill
A condition of an organ, part, structure, or system of the body in which there is incorrect function
"Lack of ease " Departure from the state of health or normality Disease is a process, not a thing and represents the response of the body to injury or insult
A disease is an illness which affects people, animals, or plants, for example one which is caused by bacteria or infection. the rapid spread of disease in the area. illnesses such as heart disease. brown lung disease Hansen disease degenerative joint disease Addison disease Alzheimer disease Lou Gehrig disease autoimmune disease Bright disease celiac disease Centers for Disease Control and Prevention congenital heart disease coronary heart disease ischemic heart disease Creutzfeldt Jakob disease caisson disease Dutch elm disease hemolytic disease of the newborn foot and mouth disease hoof and mouth disease gastroesophageal reflux disease glycogen storage disease Graves disease heart disease Hodgkin disease Korsakoff disease Legionnaire disease lipid storage disease Lyme disease mad cow disease Minamata disease occupational disease Paget disease of bone pelvic inflammatory disease pulmonary heart disease hyaline membrane disease sexually transmitted disease Tay Sachs disease Wilson disease
n   1 A pathological condition in an organism resulting from infection or genetic defect, for example, and characterized by identifiable symptoms   2 A condition or tendency, as of society, regarded as abnormal and harmful **
A process, not a thing, that represents the response of an organism to injury that affects its normal structure, functions or economic value and is expressed in characteristic pathological responses called symptoms
The term disease commonly refers to any deviation from the normal structure or function of the human body that is manifested by a characteristic set of one or more signs or symptoms The FDA is no longer proposing to broaden the definition of disease to include such conditions as pregnancy, menopause, and aging
A condition of abnormal vital function involving any structure, part, or system of the patient/client
Any malfunctioning of host cells and tissues that results from continuous irritation by a pathogenic agent or environmental factor and leads to development of symptoms
(Chiropractic Definition) the absence of health, a condition where the body has lost its ability to heal itself and is thereby susceptible to growth of organisms that are present in the body even in healthy situations
Any abnormality of bodily structure or function, other than those arising directly from injury
An alteration in the state of the body or of some of its organs, interrupting or disturbing the performance of the vital functions, and causing or threatening pain and weakness; malady; affection; illness; sickness; disorder; applied figuratively to the mind, to the moral character and habits, to institutions, the state, etc
Lack of ease; uneasiness; trouble; vexation; disquiet
"Lack of ease" Departure from the state of health or normality Disease is a process, not a thing and represents the responses of the body to injury or insult Although health and disease are concepts that do not easily lend themselves to simple definition, diseases have certain characteristics that are definable, for example
a state in which a function or part of the body is no longer in a healthy condition
May be defined as a failure of the adaptive mechanisms of an organism to counteract adequately, normally, or appropriately to stimuli and stresses to which it is subjected, resulting in a disturbance in the function or structure of some part of the organism This definition emphasizes that disease is multi factorial and may be prevented or treated by changing any or a combination of the factors Disease is a very elusive and difficult concept to define, being largely socially defined Thus, criminality and drug dependence are presently seen by some as diseases, when they were previously considered to be moral or legal problems
stress condition produced by the effects of a pathogen on a susceptible host
An involuntary disability Alcoholism is a chronic disease consisting of genetic, psychosocial and environmental elements
To derange the vital functions of; to afflict with disease or sickness; to disorder; used almost exclusively in the participle diseased
An abnormal condition of the body or mind that causes discomfort or dysfunction; distinct from injury insofar as the latter is usually instantaneously acquired
Any departure from health; a particular destructive process in an organ or organism with a specific cause and symptoms
A pathological condition of the body that presents a group of clinical signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings peculiar to it and setting the condition apart as an abnormal entity differing from other normal or pathological condition (CMD 1997)
To deprive of ease; to disquiet; to trouble; to distress
An abnormal condition of body structure and function, usually indicated by symptoms
Any impairment of the normal function of an organism
A general term describing a morbid condition which can be defined by objective, physical signs (e g hypertension), subjective symptoms or mental phobias, disorder of function (e g biochemical abnormality), or disorders of structure (anatomic or pathological change) Existence of disease may be questioned in disorder of structure without associated disorder of function
an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
Any interruption of the normal function of any body organ, part, or system that appears abnormal
Organisms suffer from disease when their normal function is impaired by some genetic disorder, or more often from the activity of a parasite or other organism living within them Many diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi