dikkatini başka yöne çekme

listen to the pronunciation of dikkatini başka yöne çekme
Turkish - English
Perturbation; disorder; disturbance; confusion

It's true that the Copernican Systeme introduceth distraction in the universe of Aristotle.

The process of being distracted

We have to reduce distraction in class if we want students to achieve good results.

Something that distracts

Poking one's eye is a good distraction from a hurting toe.

Mental disorder; a deranged state of mind; insanity

The incessant nightmares drove him to distraction.

{n} madness, confusion, separation
A pain relief method that takes the attention away from the pain
An excellent example of how greatly the meaning of words may change To "distract" means now, to harass, to perplex; and "distraction" confusion of mind from a great multiplicity of duties; but in French to "distract" means to divert the mind, and "distraction" means recreation or amusement (Latin, dis-traho) (See Slave )
The act of distracting; a drawing apart; separation
State in which the attention is called in different ways; confusion; perplexity
A distraction is an activity which is intended to entertain and amuse you. Their national distraction is going to the disco. = diversion
{i} something that distracts, something that entertains, diversion; disturbance, something that causes agitation or worry
the act of distracting; drawing someone's attention away from something; "conjurers are experts at misdirection" mental turmoil; "he drives me to distraction" an obstacle to attention
Derangement of the mind; madness
emphasis If you say that something or someone drives you to distraction, you are emphasizing that they annoy you a great deal. A very clingy child can drive a parent to distraction
an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations
Agitation from violent emotions; perturbation of mind; despair
A pain control method that may involve either focusing on some stimulus irrelevant to the pain experience or reinterpreting the pain experience; redirecting attention to reduce pain
mental turmoil; "he drives me to distraction"
dikkatini başka yöne çekmek
dikkatini başka yöne çekmek
dikkatini başka yöne çekme