Tom başka herhangi birinden çok farklı değil.
- Tom isn't very different from anybody else.
İsa su üzerinde mi yürüdü ve onu şaraba mı dönüştürdü? Hayır bu başka bir konu!
- Did Jesus walk over water and then turn it into wine? No, that's a different story!
Birbiri ardına değişik türde yiyecekler denedi.
- He tried different kinds of foods one after another.
Değişik ülkelerden geliyoruz.
- We come from different countries.
Papua Yeni Gine'de, Papualılar tarafından konuşulan 850 farklı dil vardır.
- In Papua New Guinea, there are 850 different languages spoken by Papuans.
Farklı dillerde bir sürü cümle ekleyebilirim.
- I can add many sentences in different languages.
Senin yaptığından başka türlü yapardım.
- I would do it in a different way than you did.
Çok sayıda çeşitli kurabiyeler var.
- There are many different types of cookies.
Çeşitli farklı yollardan onun evine gidebilirsin.
- You can get to her house in a variety of different ways.
Tom diğer çocuklardan her zaman farklıydı.
- Tom was always different from other children.
Tom'u ilk kez gördüğümde, onun şimdiye kadar karşılaştığım diğer bir erkekten farklı olduğunu biliyordum.
- When I first laid eyes on Tom, I knew he was different from any other man I'd ever met.
Zehirli sarmaşık ve zehirli meşe bitkiler arasındaki nasıl ayrım yapacağınızı biliyor musunuz?
- Do you know how to differentiate between poison ivy and poison oak plants?
Afrika filleri savana ve orman filleri olmak üzere iki farklı türe ayrılır.
- African elephants are divided into two different species: savannah and forest elephants.
Klas ve farklı olmak için Hawaii tişörtümü ve yeşil şortumu giymeyi tercih ettim, ama çabucak beyaz gömlek ve siyah pantolona alıştım.
- I preferred wearing my Hawaiian T-shirt and green shorts to be cool and different, but I quickly got used to the white shirt and black slacks.
Sen her zaman farklı olmak zorundasın.
- You always have to be different.
Daha genç kuşak şeylere farklı şekilde bakar.
- The younger generation looks at things differently.
Tom durumu daha farklı şekilde ele almalıydı.
- Tom should have handled the situation differently.
Yasalar ABD'de eyaletten eyalete değişiklik göstermektedir.
- Laws differ from state to state in the United States.
İki köpek farklı olabilir fakat benzer.
- Two dogs can be different, but similar.
Çılgınlık, sonuçların farklı olacağını umarak, aynı deneyimi tekrarlamaktır.
- Madness is repeating the same experience, expecting the results to be different.
If that's the case that paints a quite different picture.
In any case, poor black respondents living in high-poverty neighborhoods are most likely to view their neighborhood as a single block or block group and to use this definition consistently when asked about different neighborhood characteristics and activities.
Mona is different from Eloise.
Several different scientists all reached this conclusion at about the same time.
And thus ful ofte chalk for cheese he changeth with ful littel cost.
Having discovered the true circumstances the public viewed the decision in a different light.
Different strokes for different folks.
Tom thinks that he's different from other people.
- Tom thinks he's different from other people.
Tom thinks he's different from other people.
- Tom thinks that he's different from other people.
Recent research in the field of sociolinguistics and related fields has shown that women and men speak differently.
Against physical danger I am willing to offer myself at any time to your Highness . . . . But to walk straight into jail, with my eyes open, that's a horse of a different color..
1. Andy was never very interested in school, but Anna, now she was a completely different kettle of fish.
2. I'd driven an automatic for years but learning to handle a car with gears was another kettle of fish altogether.
... your question. President Bush and I are ' are different ...
... different-- ...