die of exposure

listen to the pronunciation of die of exposure
English - Russian
умирают от воздействия
English - Danish
dø af eksponering
English - Swedish
dör av exponering
English - Spanish
morir de la exposición
English - French
meurent de l'exposition
English - German
English - Dutch
sterven van de blootstelling
English - Finnish
paleltua kuoliaaksi
English - Greek
πεθαίνουν από την έκθεση (pethainoyn apo tin ekthesi)
English - Lehçe
die narażenia
English - Italian
muoiono di esposizione
English - Portuguese
morrem de exposição
die of exposure


    die of ex·po·sure

    Turkish pronunciation

    day ıv îkspōjır


    /ˈdī əv əkˈspōᴢʜər/ /ˈdaɪ əv ɪkˈspoʊʒɜr/