To remove partial service from your home Services that can be removed are HBO, Cinemax, Disney, Showtime, Movie Channel, Starz!, converters, additional outlets, and VCR's
1 The changing of a rating by a rating agency to a lower (less credit worthy) rating
If something is downgraded, it is given less importance than it used to have or than you think it should have. The boy's condition has been downgraded from critical to serious upgrade
Where a student is enrolled in a PhD and where the research they are undertaking is not at an appropriate level for a PhD and the institution recommends that the student downgrade their degree to a Master's by Research course or where the student, for personal or academic reasons, seeks to revert to a Master's by Research course There would be no interval between the candidature for the PhD and Master's degree unless the interval was covered by a period of suspension With a downgrade, the research undertaken by the student while enrolled for the PhD would either be continued in the Master's by Research degree or modified to meet the requirements for the Master's program
A determination that classified information requires, in the interest of national security, a lower degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure than currently provided, together with a changing of the classification designation to reflect a lower degree of protection