declaratory judgment

listen to the pronunciation of declaratory judgment
English - Turkish

Definition of declaratory judgment in English Turkish dictionary

declaratory judgments
tespit hükümler
English - English
A ruling of a court in a civil case which declares the rights, duties, or obligations of each party in a dispute, but does not necessarily award any damages or other relief
In law, a judgment merely declaring a right or establishing the legal status or interpretation of a law or instrument. It is binding but is distinguished from other judgments or court opinions in that it includes no executive element (an order that something be done); instead it simply declares or defines rights to be observed or wrongs to be eschewed by litigants, or expresses the court's view on a contested question of law
declaratory judgments
plural form of declaratory judgment
declaratory judgement
judgment that states the legal rights of one of the parties in a dispute
declaratory judgment


    de·clar·a·to·ry judg·ment

    Turkish pronunciation

    dîklerıtôri cʌcmınt


    /dəˈklerəˌtôrē ˈʤəʤmənt/ /dɪˈklɛrəˌtɔːriː ˈʤʌʤmənt/