(Askeri) (AĞIZDAN) GİZLİLİĞE RİAYET TALİMATI: Savunma ile ilgili veya hassas mahiyetteki resmi haberlere, işlemlere veya bilgilere sahip Milli Savunma Bakanlığı'nın bir asker mensubu veya sivil memuruna, hizmetinde bulunduğu sırada bilgi elde ettiği makam veya faaliyet merkezinin harekat kontrolundan çıkmadan önce, bu haber veya bilginin gizliliğine riayet etmesi yolunda verilen talimat işlemi
the process of reflecting upon the outcome of an activity; one or more meetings, sessions, discussions or documents in which this process of reflection takes place
The process of informing research participant(s) of the actual purpose of the research, furnishing additional information regarding the research and providing an additional opportunity to withdraw data provided by the participant The RRB requires a copy of the debriefing procedure whenever deception is involved
A review and discussion on the outcome of a training event based on a formative assessment of that event Briefing and debriefing are always included as an integral part of the training technique
Group activity designed to elicit participant reactions, thoughts, and responses to a process Debriefings can be initiated by asking participants: "What happened?" and "How did we feel about it?"
Informing unsuccessful offerors of the basis for the selection decision and contract award This information includes the Governments evaluation of the significant weak or deficient factors in the offerors proposal
Process following a research session through which participants are informed about the rationale for the research in which they participated, about the need for any deception, and about their specific contribution to the research Important goals of debriefing are to clear up any misconceptions and to leave participants with a positive feeling toward psychological research
A debriefing is a meeting where someone such as a soldier, diplomat, or astronaut is asked to give a report on an operation or task that they have just completed. A debriefing would follow this operation, to determine where it went wrong
a planned interaction after every user test in which the user is allowed to ask and receive answer to questions about the system, tasks, or goals of the study