
listen to the pronunciation of dde
English - Turkish
(Dynamic Data Exchange) DVDT (Dinamik Veri Değiş Tokuşu)
(Bilgisayar) dde/dış
enable dde refresh
(Bilgisayar) dde tazelemeyi etkinleştir
use dde
(Bilgisayar) dde kullan
uses dde\ole
(Bilgisayar) dde\ole kullan
English - English
doctrine of double effect
delay differential equation
Dynamic Data Exchange
(Computers) device for transferring data between various applications in a multitasking computer
See: Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
Discard Eligible (communications) Windows Internal file exchange standard Allow dynamic data exchanges between applications, one being the client and the other the server
= Direct Data Entry (direct access to the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) for claim entry, correction and status as well as beneficiary eligibility verification)
Windows Dynamic Data Exchange A standard software method for communicating between applications under Microsoft Windows Created by Microsoft starting with Windows 3 1 DDE is being replaced by OLE for process control, OPC
Dynamic Data Exchange An interprocess communication method that allows two or more programs running simultaneously to exchange data and commands
Dynamic Data Exchange - If two or more programs have DDE they can send information to each other that one of the program needs
(Dynamic Data Exchange) Directory-Logical division of a computer data storage device such as a disk drive so as to group files in a way that makes sense to the user DNS-Domain Name Server Downloading-The process of recieving a file from another computer DPI-Dots Per Inch DRAM-Dynamic Random Access Memory, chips designed as a matrix of "memory cells" in rows and columns Each memory cell is used to store bits of data which can be retrieved by indicating the row and column location (or address) of the data Duplex Printing-Printer's ability to print on both sides of a paper with one pass through Duty Cycle-Durability of a printer defined by number of pages per month without sustaining damage
Dynamic Data Exchang - A technique used for application-to-application communications, available in several operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, and OS/2 When two or more programs that support DDE are running at the same time, they can exchange data and commands, by means of conversations A DDE conversation is a two-way connection between two applications, used to transmit data by each program alternately DDE is used for low-level communications that do not need user intervention For example, a communications program might feed stock market information into a spreadsheet program, where that data can be displayed in a meaningful way and recalculated automatically as it changes DDE has largely been superseded by Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
Dynamic Data Exchange The method by which different applications can communicate with each other For example, installation programs use DDE to communicate with your Start Menu to add new program icons
(Dynamic Data Exchange): A protocol for allowing different software applications or programs to share information
Microsoft's communications specification predating OLE, which enabled personal applications to be hyperlinked
Dynamic Data Exchange A protocol used for exchanging information between applications that run with Windows
Study Methods (NADE)
Direct Data Exchange An older Microsoft Windows technology for automatically moving information between applications resident in memory via the clipboard
(Dynamic Data Exchange) A mechanism used in Windows to transfer data between two applications or two separate instances of the same application Windows itself uses DDE for a variety of purposes, from opening documents in running applications when a document icon is double-clicked in the shell to obtaining program icons for DOS applications DDE is also used to support OLE (See also OLE)
An abbreviation for dynamic data exchange, an early Interprocess Communication (IPC) method used by Windows and OS/2 to transfer data between different applications Automation (formerly OLE Automation) provides a more robust IPC method
Dynamic Data Exchange Feature in Windows that allows data to be exchanged between different applications
Dynamic Data Exchange DDE is a form of interprocess communication implemented in multitasking operating systems such as Microsoft Windows and OS/2 Information, commands, and status information can be exchanged between two or more programs if they support DDE and are executing simultaneously For example, a spreadsheet with a DDE link to a communications program could keep its stock prices current with the trading information received over the communications channel An exchange of data in DDE is called a conversation and an application can participate simultaneously in multiple DDE conversations with any number of other applications A conversation is organized around three conceptual descriptors: service, topic, and item
Dynamic Data Exchange This is a method of inter-process communication under Microsoft Windows
Dynamic Data Exchange A form of InterProcess Communication (IPC) in Microsoft Windows and OS/2 When two or more programs that support DDE are running simultaneously, they can exchange information, data and commands In Windows 3 xx, this capability is enhanced with Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene -a DDT residue
It is a Microsoft Windows term for importing and exporting data between Windows applications
Microsoft's Dynamic Data Exchange Protocol Opens data exchange pipes on the same machine to enable data sharing and OLE
Turkish - English