david grandison fairchild

listen to the pronunciation of david grandison fairchild
English - English
born April 7, 1869, Lansing, Mich., U.S. died Aug. 6, 1954, Coconut Grove, Fla. U.S. botanist and agricultural explorer. He studied at Kansas State University of Agriculture. From 1904 to 1928, as head of the section of plant pathology of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, he supervised the introduction of many useful plants into the U.S., including alfalfa, dates, mangoes, horseradish, and bamboos
David Fairchild
born April 7, 1869, Lansing, Mich., U.S. died Aug. 6, 1954, Coconut Grove, Fla. U.S. botanist and agricultural explorer. He studied at Kansas State University of Agriculture. From 1904 to 1928, as head of the section of plant pathology of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, he supervised the introduction of many useful plants into the U.S., including alfalfa, dates, mangoes, horseradish, and bamboos
david grandison fairchild


    Da·vid grandison fairchild

    Turkish pronunciation

    deyvîd grändîsın ferçayld


    /ˈdāvəd ˈgrandəsən ˈferˌʧīld/ /ˈdeɪvɪd ˈɡrændɪsən ˈfɛrˌʧaɪld/