das epithel betreffend

listen to the pronunciation of das epithel betreffend
English - Turkish

Definition of das epithel betreffend in English Turkish dictionary

epitelyuma ait
(Tıp) Epitel'e ait
(Diş Hekimliği) epitel yapıda, görünümde
German - English
of or pertaining to the epithelium
tissue - the cells that form the outer surface of the body, and that line the body cavities as well as the main tubes and passageways that lead to the exterior
having to do with the layer of cells that cover or line and external surface or cavity
{s} (Biology) pertaining to the epithelium, pertaining to the layer of cells lining bodily organs and surfaces
of or belonging to the epithelium; "epithelial layer
Having to do with the covering of the organs of the body
Of or relating to epithelium
An epithelial tissue is a tissue that covers the external surface of the body and lines hollow structures inside the body
of or belonging to the epithelium; "epithelial layer"
referring to rapidly dividing tissues such as skin, the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, and the lining of the lung
Of or pertaining to epithelium; as, epithelial cells; epithelial cancer