dark brown crested bird of southeastern asia

listen to the pronunciation of dark brown crested bird of southeastern asia
English - English
crested myna
dark brown crested bird of southeastern asia


    dark Brown crest·ed Bird of south·east·ern A·sia

    Turkish pronunciation

    därk braun krestıd bırd ıv sauthistırn eyjı


    /ˈdärk ˈbroun ˈkrestəd ˈbərd əv ˌsouᴛʜˈēstərn ˈāᴢʜə/ /ˈdɑːrk ˈbraʊn ˈkrɛstəd ˈbɜrd əv ˌsaʊθˈiːstɜrn ˈeɪʒə/