
listen to the pronunciation of da
English - Turkish
{k} District Attorney
(Askeri) veri adaptörü hava-uzay sapması; veri yöneticisi; Kara Kuvvetleri Bakanlığı (ABD'de); doğrudan eylem/faaliyet; İdare Başkanlığı (DIA); ikili ajan (iki taraflı casus) (data adapter aerospace drift; data administrator; Department of the Army; direct action; Directorate for Administration (DIA); double agent)
(Askeri) hava-uzay sürüklenmesi (aerospace drift)
bk. Display Adapter
{k} daughter, day(s)
Turkish - Turkish
(Osmanlı Dönemi) SUDD
Rus dilinde evet
Hastalık, dert
Analog ses işaretlerini sayısal işaretlere ya da tersi işlemi aynı şekilde hazırlayan devreler
English - English
duck's arse (haircut)
Department of Agriculture
Dairy Association
district attorney
Doctor of Arts
Domain Administration
Department of the Army
dalton (atomic mass unit)
A great serpent in the mythology of Dahomey
A Russian yes; an affirmative response
“yes”, in Russian
Eye dialect spelling of the
direct action; Department of the Army
prosecuting officer of a specified judicial district
Danish. Giovanni da Bologna Giorgio da Castelfranco viola da gamba Gabriel da Costa Antonello da Messina Jacopo da Ponte Benedetto da Maiano Da Nang Da Ponte Lorenzo da Sangallo the Younger Antonio Giamberti Da Yu Desiderio da Settignano Gama Vasco da 1st count da Vidigueira Gentile da Fabriano Leonardo da Vinci Mino da Fiesole Maria do Carmo Miranda da Cunha Palestrina Giovanni Pierluigi da Pietro da Cortona Andrea da Pontedera Pontormo Jacopo da Quadros Jânio da Silva Rondon Cândido Mariano da Silva Luca da Cortona Silva Luíz Inácio da Verrazzano Giovanni da Henrique infante prince de Portugal duque duke de Viseu senhor lord da Covilha
A module of ETERNUS GR Storage that controls connection between drives and controller module
(Dalnuaua Aviatsiya) -- Long Range Aviation, Russian AF command in charge of strategic bombers DACT - Dissimilar Air CombaT DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DEW - Distant Early Warning (US) DFC - (Distinguished Flying Cross) -- air force decoration DGPS - Differential GPS DIANE - Digital, Integrated Attack and Navigation Equipment DLIR - Down Looking Infra-Red DoD - Department of Defense DOSAAF - Dobrolvol'noe Obshchestvo Sodietstviya Armii, Aviatii Flotu (Russian voluntary society for the support of army, aviation and fleet) DVI - Direct Voice Input
Documents Against Acceptance When a shipper tells a bank that documents transferring title to goods should be delivered to the buyer only when the buyer's accepts the attached draft
Directory Assistance Phone Number Lookup Service
an official prosecutor for a judicial district
Denmark (Dania)
Substitute for words beginning with "TH;" as in, "Da guy over dere in da Bears shirt dere "
Deferred DX DefaultedSix consecutive payments
Destination MAC Address: A six octet value uniquely identifying an endpoint and which is sent in IEEE LAN frame headers to indicate frame destination
(Directory Assistance) A service providing telephone numbers over the phone when one might not have access to a phone book, or when a number is not yet published
departure approved
From Da capo From the beginning D C Dal segno From the sign D S Deciso Decisively, firmly Decrescendo (decresc) Becoming gradually softer Delicato Delicate Diminuendo (dim) Becoming gradually softer Divisi A direction to orchestral players Div (usually strings) to divide into two or more groups Dolce Tenderly, sweetly Dolcissimo Very gently, very sweetly Dolciss Dolente Sadly Dolore Grief, sorrow Doppio Double Doppio movimento Twice as fast Duo A duet Dur (Ger ) Major (G dur: G major)
District Assemblies
Destination Agent The Mover that your Booking Member has decide will service your moving needs at the destination residence
This is the abbreviation for duplex annealing Duplex annealing is a processing procedure where a second heat treatment is added to improve ductility and toughness at the cost of slightly lower strength properties
Descent Advisor
District Audit
Direct agglutination
Day Ahead Scheduling
Decision Altitude It replaces the term Decision Height (DH) With the adoption of the new approach plate, the US will harmonize with international terminology
dark adaptation DR diabetic retinopathy
– DA, or Departure from Average, is the calculation of the departure on a per pixel basis of the current years NDVI data from the average NDVI value The average is calculated for each pixel in the image using data from the year 1990 to last year back to index
A device the splits and boosts the strength of incoming audio, video or computer graphics signals so that they can be sent cleanly to multiple destinations
abbreviation for deca (deka)
Turkish - English
as well
stamped his feet and said (expression of insistence)
too, also, as well; but; and
and (an intensive)
He kept on ... (expression of repetitiousness or perseverance)
too, also
and, and then, so; but
both, and
used to add emphasis to a scornful or sarcastic remark: Kitap yazmak da iş mi? As if writing books could be called work!
but anyhow, even though
It is enough that