Definition of cybercash in English English dictionary
Is a company that developed one of the early payment systems for the Internet They give away a consumer "wallets" Online merchants using Cybercash software receive orders from shoppers with the "wallet" Orders are sent through the Cybercash server to bank networks for credit card verification
CyberCash enables you to securely process credit card transactions 24 hours a day, seven days a week to a new global marketplace CyberCash works with all popular browsers, as well as the majority of Internet hardware, software, servers, communication protocols, and Web store applications
Is an Internet transaction exchange for the internet It allows for online payment methods Now owned by VeriSign
CyberCash enables you to securely process credit card transactions 24 hours a day,seven days a week to a new global marketplace CyberCash works with all the popular browsers, as well as the majority of Internet hardware, software, servers, communication protocols, and web store applications Available with plans: Corporate, Commercial
CyberCash, Inc , is the creator and vendor of CyberCash, a popular Internet protocol Top of page
a type of digital currency used for online transactions this particular kind of e-money is managed by Cybercash
The name of the company that developed a Web-based payment system CyberCash software enables online payment services for credit cards and Internet check transactions
CyberCash enables merchants, banks, processors, and consumers to use SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) as a global payment protocol while building on the security and convenience long associated with the CyberCash payment solutions
- CyberCash® is a corporation that offers a secure gateway through which credit card information is passed to the private network used by all the financial institutions for authorization and capture of credit card funds
A commercial provider of digital cash services Digital cash is a system of purchasing cash credits in relatively small amounts, storing the credits in your computer, and then spending them when making electronic purchases over the Internet
The Toledo Connection can generate a unique key for anyone that has signed up for CyberCash services
A company that provides software (CyberCash Secure Internet System) that enables the purchasing of products and services over the Internet, as well as providing authorization codes in real time
Also referred to as e-cash or virtual cash, a method of secure electronic payments between personal computers over email or the Internet
Used for secure processing of credit card transactions CyberCash works with all popular browsers in the market and other Web store software applications
A company that provides software (CyberCash Secure Internet Payment System) that enables the purchasing of products and services over the Internet, as well as providing authorisation codes in real time
Our servers support Cybercash's real time credit card processing All you need to do is register for a plan 2 or higher, and contact your merchant bank to ask for details