Sometimes called a pointer An icon on the screen that moves when the computer's mouse is moved, allowing the user to "point" to a command or position on the screen
A 256-bit image defined by a 16-by-16 bit square The mouse driver displays the cursor on the screen and maps the movement of the mouse to relative locations on the screen as the user moves the mouse The cursor follows the movement of the mouse or shows where the userÕs next action will take place The cursor can be an arrow, an I-beam, a crossbar, a wristwatch, or another appropriate image
1 The little shape that moves around on the screen when you move the mouse The most common is the pointer, the black arrow that you use to select things on the desktop and from menus 2 The blinking vertical bar that indicates the insertion point in text (There's really no such thing as a cursor on the Mac - it's used on more primitive computers - but people often say cursor when they mean pointer )
On a computer screen, the cursor is a small shape that indicates where anything that is typed by the user will appear. a mark that can be moved around a computer screen to show where you are working (cursor (16-20 centuries), from , , from currere; CURRENT)
A flashing rectangle or line on the screen that shows exactly where you are working For example, when using a Word Processor the cursor indicates the point at which the characters being typed will be inserted If you continually swear at your PC because it will not do want you want it to, those within earshot may well accuse you of being a cursor
A special symbol that indicates where the next character you type on your screen will appear You use your mouse or the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the cursor around on your screen
The cursor is the rectangle on the screen which indicates the position called point (q v ) at which insertion and deletion takes place The cursor is on or under the character that follows point Often people speak of `the cursor' when, strictly speaking, they mean `point ' See section Basic Editing
uci A marker on the display screen that indicates the position where the computer expects the next input or will display the next output The cursor may be positioned under computer control or by the user (See "Controller ") [MIL-HDBK-1908B]
(computer science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving the cursor allows the user to point to commands or screen positions
A graphical image, usually a pipe (|) or block, that shows the location where text will appear on the screen when keys on the keyboard are pressed or where a selection can be made
An indicator of "where you are" on the screen Usually the cursor is a blinking line, sometimes vertical, sometimes horizontal In most programs, the cursor indicates where a letter or number entered from the keyboard will appear The Mouse Pointer is sometimes referred to as the "mouse cursor "
A blinking line indicating where typed text will appear The pointer that moves across the screen when you move the mouse can also be referred to as a cursor, though it isnÃt
For video display screens, a symbol that shows the location of keyboard input The cursor shows the position at which the next character to be displayed will be placed Compare to pointer
One-character symbol that can appear anywhere on the console screen The cursor indicates the position where the next keystroke at the console will have an effect
A cursor is the visible shape of the pointer on a screen It consists of a hotspot, a source bitmap, a shape bitmap, and a pair of colors The cursor defined for a window controls the visible appearance when the pointer is in that window
the blinking symbol ( often a vertical bar ) that designates the focal point in a document displayed in on computer screen where data is placed or written In Windows programs, the cursor location can be changed using the arrow keys or the mouse pointer
An on-screen indicator, such as a blinking underline or rectangle, that marks the place at which a keystroke appears when it is typed In applications and operating systems that use a mouse, the arrow or other on-screen icon that moves with movements of the mouse Also, a piece of software that returns rows of data to the application A cursor on a result set indicates the current position in the result set
An onscreen indicator, such as a blinking underline or rectangle, that marks the place at which a keystroke will appear when typed In applications and operating systems that use a mouse, the arrow or other onscreen icon that moves with movements of the mouse Also, a piece of software that returns rows of data to the application A cursor on a resultset indicates the current position in the resultset
A movable, visible mark used to indicate a position of interest on a display surface A visible indication of the position where user interaction with the keyboard will appear The keyboard cursors are the selection cursor and the text cursor
the blinking symbol (often a vertical bar) which designates the focal point in a document displayed in on computer screen where data will be placed or written In Windows programs, the cursor location can be changed using the arrow keys or the mouse pointer
the blinking symbol on a computer screen which designates the focal point where data will be placed or written In Windows programs, the cursor location can be moved using the arrow keys or the mouse pointer
[ 'k&r-s&r, -"sor ] (noun.) 1594. Latin, runner, from currere.