Definition of cross platform in English English dictionary
This is best described as a standard that a computer system can be developed Operating systems such as Windows and DOS are examples of platforms that work on the PC platform only Likewise, MacOS can only be run on an apple Mac computer When you have a "Cross Platform" you are referring to hardware or software that can be used on BOTH PC's and Macintosh computers
If an application is cross platform it means it will run on computers irrespective of the operating system Usually cross platform usually refers to the two main operating systems for PCs: Windows and Apple Mac
A computer program with versions for more that one operating system, such as UNIX, Macintosh, and Windows Can also refer to applications, such as those created in Java, that run across multiple, incompatible computer systems with little or no modification
The capability of software or hardware to run identically on different platforms Many applications for Windows and Macintosh, for example, now produce binary-compatible files, which means that users can switch from one platform to another without converting the data to a new format
usable or able to communicate between multiple operating systems The term "cross-platform" generally refers to network communications, such as between a Mac and a PC
The ability of a document, file or program to be executed or observed from more than one operating system Typically platforms include "Mac" (Apple Macintosh), PC (IBM compatible), and UNIX (a common system used by many Internet service providers) Virtually all Internet web pages and documents and all e-mail is cross-platform, meaning you don't need a particular machine to view it But web page creation is almost always done using platform specific software even though the output is cross platform capable
A software product that works on more than one operating system, such as a product that works on both Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh computers Nearly all Macromedia software products work on both Windows and Macintosh computers
Pertaining to heterogeneous computing environments For example, a cross-platform application is one that has a single code base for multiple operating systems
Platform is a general term for operating systems If a computer running on a UNIX platform is in communication with a computer running on a DOS platform, this is called a cross-platform environment
Software or hardware which functions identically with different computer operating systems e g A Microsoft Word file can be used on both Macintosh and Windows systems See also: cross-platform (Webopedia)
Technically, a software application that can run under more more than one operating system In practice, companies often write slightly different versions of a program for different operating systems (e g , Excel for Windows and Excel for Macintosh) so that the files created by the application can be opened in the other environment
The ability for software or hardware to perform the same on different machines Cross-platform may include applications, formats, or devices that operate the same when used in different environments (for example, Unix, DOS, Windows or Macintosh)
If software or hardware is cross-platform, it means the same software works on all "platforms," or types of computers The Internet and Netscape are cross-platform, which is one of the things that made the World Wide Web so accessible and powerful-a developer does not have to make one version of ech web site for Mac, Windows, dos, Unix, etc One version for all!