(Askeri) KURYE: Dokümanların ve malzemenin emniyetli bir şekilde naklinden ve tesliminden sorumlu bir haberci (genellikle subay ve astsubay). Genellikle komutanlık kuryesi veya mahalli kurye olarak kullanılır. Ayrıca bakınız: "armed forces courier"
A common typeface found in many typewriters Most dot-matrix printers will produce a Courier typeface as their standard face It is a monospaced typeface, with uniform stem thickness and square serifs Word offers both Courier and Courier New
A courier is a person who is paid to take letters and parcels direct from one place to another. The cheques were delivered to the bank by a private courier firm
Used to send and receive SMS data (parcels) through compact discs, floppy disks, or tapes Courier Sender is typically used to send large volumes of data when available bandwidth is very limited
Courier is a typeface which looks like typewriter print It is usually used in a fixed-width, or mono-spaced, font which means that all characters are spaced evenly
Courier is a type style used by typewriters and computer printers It is a nonproportional, serif style similar to the traditional typewriter face Pica Some graphic browsers may display this sentence in Courier or a similar style
A cleared employee, designated by the contractor, whose principal duty is to transmit classified material to its destination The classified material remains in the personal possession of the courier except for authorized overnight storage
The Courier is a delivery vehicle, based on an entry-level Ford station wagon Through 1961 it was a full-size Ford; beginning in 1962 it was a Falcon However, a Falcon "sedan delivery" was offered in 1960 and 1961, which was later to become the Courier in 1962
Turkish - English
Definition of couriers in Turkish English dictionary