could you please tell me what time it is

listen to the pronunciation of could you please tell me what time it is
English - Turkish

Definition of could you please tell me what time it is in English Turkish dictionary

could you please
lütfen yapabildin
could you please tell me what time it is


    could you please tell me what time it I·s

    Turkish pronunciation

    kûd yu pliz tel mi hwʌt taym ît îz


    /ˈko͝od ˈyo͞o ˈplēz ˈtel ˈmē ˈhwət ˈtīm ət əz/ /ˈkʊd ˈjuː ˈpliːz ˈtɛl ˈmiː ˈhwʌt ˈtaɪm ɪt ɪz/