
listen to the pronunciation of coordination
English - Turkish

Renk koordinasyonu ile ilgili Kelly'nin raporunda sunulan bilginin alternatif bir teori oluşturmada faydalı olacağı anlaşilmaktadır. - The information presented in Kelly's paper on color coordination is seen to be of use in building up an alternative theory.

Tom kötü bir el-göz koordinasyonuna sahiptir. - Tom has poor hand-eye coordination.

eş güdüm
(Askeri) KOORDİNASYON, EŞGÜDÜM: Bir işle ilgili olan bütün daire ve birliklerin verimli bir çalışma sağlama maksadıyla yaptıkları işbirliği
{i} uyumlu çalışma

Uyumlu çalışma son derece değerlidir. - Coordination is extremely valuable.

[n] düzenli olma
{i} düzen
{i} bağlantı
(Ticaret) uyumluluk
birbirine göre ayarlama
{f} koordine etmek

Programları koordine etmek zordur. - Schedules are difficult to coordinate.

coordination chemistry
koordinasyon kimyası
coordination committee
koordinasyon komitesi
coordination compound
koordinasyon bileşiği
coordination number
koordinasyon sayısı
coordination actions
(Politika, Siyaset) eşgüdüm etkinlikleri
coordination chemistry
(Kimya) düzenleşim kimyası
coordination fix
(Havacılık) koordine fiksi
coordination number
(İnşaat) bağlantı sayısı
coordination number
(Kimya) düzenleşim sayısı
coordination with
(Askeri) KOORDİNASYON HALİNDE, AHENKLİ OLARAK: Anlaşma ve istişare suretiyle. Bu terim, birlikte çalışan makamların aktif surette işe katılacaklarını, fikir birliği yapmaya çalışacaklarını ve bir karara varamadıkları takdirde tartışma konusu olan meselenin bir üst makama arz olunacağını belirtmede kullanılır
concept coordination
kavram koordinasyonu
Committee for European Airspace Coordination Working Group on Communications and
(Askeri) Avrupa Hava Sahası Koordinasyon Komitesi Muhabere ve Seyrüsefer Yardımları Çalışma Grubu
coalition coordination, communications, and integration center
(Askeri) koalisyon koordinasyonu, muhabere ve entegrasyon merkezi
collection coordination facility
(Askeri) toplama koordinasyon tesisi
combined rescue coordination center
(Askeri) Bknz. "rescue coordination center"
concept coordination
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kavram eşgüdümü
{i} kordinat
(Denizbilim) konlar

Eşgüdümlü bir çabaya ihtiyacımız var. - We need a coordinated effort.

(Dilbilim) sıralı
(Biyokimya) kon
eşgüdüm sağlama
birbirine göre ayarlamak
birlikte çalışmak
ensure coordination
koordinasyon sağlamak
ensure the coordination
koordinasyonu sağlamak
muscular coordination
(Tıp) kas koordinasyonu
rescue coordination centre
(Askeri,Havacılık) kurtarma koordinasyon merkezi
etkinliği artırmak için birlikte çalışmak
{f} düzenle
muscular coordination
kas kooridanasyonu
battlefield coordination element
savaş koordinasyon eleman

Bana koordinatları ver. - Give me the coordinates.

eye-hand coordination
(Veya hand-eye coordination) El-göz koordinasyonu, el ile göz arasındaki koordinasyon
hand-eye coordination
(Veya eye-hand coordination) El-göz koordinasyonu, el ile göz arasındaki koordinasyon
in coordination with
koordinasyon ile
modular coordination
modüler koordinasyon
production coordination
Prodüksiyon Koordinasyonu
Air Combat Command; air component commander; area coordination center
(Askeri) Hava Muharebe Komutanlığı; hava unsuru komutanı; bölge koordinasyon merkezi
Air Force rescue coordination center
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri kurtarma koordinasyon merkezi
Bureau of Coordination of Civil Aircraft (NATO)
(Askeri) Sivil Havacılık Koordinasyon Bürosu (NATO)
Data Information Coordination Office
(Askeri) Veri Bilgi Koordinasyon Ofisi
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
(Askeri) İnsani Yardım Koordinasyon Dairesi
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
(Askeri) BM İnsani Yardım İşleri Koordinasyon Ofisi
aeromedical evacuation coordination center
(Askeri) havadan sıhhi tahliye kontrol merkezi
air component coordination element
(Askeri) hava unsuru koordinasyon elemanı
airlift clearance authority; airspace control authority; airspace coordination a
(Askeri) hava ulaştırma klerans makamı; hava sahası kontrol makamı; hava sahası koordinasyon bölgesi
airlift control center; airlift coordination cell
(Askeri) hava ulaştırma kontrol merkezi; havadan nakil ve ikmal hücresi
allied movement coordination center; alternate military command center
(Askeri) müttefik intikal koordinasyon merkezi; yedek askeri komuta merkezi
area coordination group
(Askeri) BÖLGE KOORDİNASYON GRUBU: Yerel askeri, milis ve diğer devlet dairelerinin temsilcileri ile bunların dahili savunma ve geliştirme harekatlarından sorumlu ABD'li subayları içeren karma bir teşkilattır
battlefield coordination detachment
(Askeri) muharebe sahası koordinasyon müfrezesi
koordine et

Programları koordine etmek zordur. - Schedules are difficult to coordinate.

{i} eşit şey
{s} koordine

Programları koordine etmek zordur. - Schedules are difficult to coordinate.

Saldırı kötü bir şekilde koordine edildi. - The assault was poorly coordinated.

(Askeri) KOORDİNE ETMEK: Bir işle ilgili olan bütün daire ve birliklerin verimli bir şekilde çalışmalarını sağlamak için işbirliği yapmak
{i} apsis
işbirliği yapmak
{s} aynı derecede, eşit. i., mat., den., (Gökbilim) , kim. koordinat
{f} düzenlemek
{s} eşit
[adj n] düzenli
{s} düzenli

Tom çok düzenli değil. - Tom isn't very coordinated.

(Tekstil) ayarı mükemmelleştirmek
{f} uyum sağlamak
crisis coordination group
(Askeri) kriz koordinasyon grubu
data link coordination net
(Askeri) veri köprüsü koordinasyon şebekesi
deep operations coordination cell
(Askeri) derin harekatlar koordinasyon merkezi
defense collection coordination center
(Askeri) savunma toplama faaliyetleri koordinasyon merkezi
disaster coordination center
afet koordinasyon merkezi
electronic warfare coordination center
(Askeri) elektronik harp koordinasyon merkezi
engineering coordination cell; evacuation control center
(Askeri) istihkam koordinasyon hücresi; tahliye kontrol merkezi
field circular; final coordination; floating causeway; floating craft; force com
(Askeri) sahra sirküleri; son koordinasyon; (bataklık tipi bir arazide) yüzer köprü; yüzen araç; kuvvet komutanı
final coordination line
(Askeri) Taarruz mevzii
final coordination line
(Askeri) SON KOORDİNASYON HATTI: Manevra unsurlarının son yayılma durumuna geçmeleri ile destek ateşlerinin kaldırılması veya kaydırılmasının koordine için kullanılan, düşman mevziine yakın bir hat. Arazide tanınabilen bir hat olmalıdır
fire coordination
(Askeri) ATEŞİN KOORDİNE EDİLMESİ, ATEŞ KOORDİNASYONU, ATIŞ KOORDİNESİ (DZ.): Ateşin, hedefler uygun bir silah veya silah grubu tarafından yeterince dövülecek şekilde planlanması ve icrası. Bak. "fire support coordination"
fire coordination area
(Askeri) ATEŞ KOORDİNASYON BÖLGESİ: Belirli kısıtlamaları olan ve bu kısıtlamaları tesis eden makamın onayı alınmadan kısıtlamaları aşan atışların yapılamayacağı bir bölge
fire coordination line
(Askeri) ATEŞ KOORDİNASYON HATTI: İki kuvvet arasında bulunan ve ilgili kuvvetlerle koordinasyon yapılmadan ötesine ateş açılmayacak olan hat
fire support coordination
(Askeri) ATEŞ DESTEK KOORDİNASYONU: Destek ateşinin, mevcut silahlar ve uygun vasıtalarla, hedeflere yeteri gibi taarruz edilecek şekilde koordineli planlaması ve hazırlanması
fire support coordination center
(Askeri) Ateş destek koordınasyon merkezi
fire support coordination center
(Askeri) ATEŞ DESTEK KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ: Bütün ateş destek şekillerinin koordinasyonu ile ilgili muhabere tesisleri ve personelin bir arada toplandıkları tek bir mevki. Ayrıca bak. "supporting arms coordination center"
fire support coordination center
(Askeri) ateş destek koordinasyon merkezi
fire support coordination line
(Askeri) ATEŞ DESTEK KOORDİNASYON HATTI: İlgili kara birliği komutanını, kendi kontrolu altında bulunmayan, fakat cari taktik harekata etki edebilecek olan ateş kontrolunu temin için oluşturduğu hat. Ateş destek koordinasyon hattı, yüzey hedeflerine karşı herhangi bir çeşit mühimmat kullanan kara, hava ve deniz hava sistemlerinin ateşlerini koordine etmekte kullanılır. Ateş destek koordinasyon hattının iyi seçilebilir arazi şekillerini takip etmesi gerekir. Ateş destek koordinasyon hattının oluşturulması, normal olarak ilgili taktik hava komutanı ve diğer destek unsurları ile koordine edilir. Destek unsurları kara kuvvet komutanı ile bir ön koordinasyon olmaksızın ateş destek koordinasyon hattının ilerisindeki hedeflere taarruz edebilirler, fakat bu taarruzun hat üzerinde ve gerisinde sathi etkileri olmamalıdır. Bu hat gerisinde bulunan sathi hedeflere karşı taarruzlar ilgili kara kuvvet komutanı ile koordine edilmelidir. FSCL olarak ta bilinir
fire support coordination line
(Askeri) Ateş destek koordine hattı
fire support coordination line
(Askeri) ateş desteği koordinasyon hattı
flight coordination center
(Askeri) UÇUŞ KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ: Uçuş harekat merkezinin, trafik düzenlemesi ve muhabere imkan ve kabiliyetlerini uzatmak maksadıyla, normal olarak, sahra ordusu ileri bölgesinde faaliyette bulunan bir tali bölümü
flight ferry control center; force fires coordination center
(Askeri) uçuş feri kontrol merkezi; kuvvet atış koordinasyon merkezi
humanitarian assistance coordination center
(Askeri) insani yardım koordinasyon merkezi
humanitarian operations coordination center
(Askeri) insani harekatlar koordinasyon merkezi
imagery communications and operations node; intermediate coordination node
(Askeri) görüntülü muhabere ve harekat düğüm noktası; ara koordinasyon düğüm noktası
information coordination center; intelligence coordination center (USCG); Inters
(Askeri) bilgi koordinasyon merkezi; istihbarat koordinasyon merkezi (USCG); Eyaletler Arası Ticaret Komisyonu
insulation coordination
(Elektrik, Elektronik) yalıtım koordinasyonu
interpersonal coordination
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kişilerarası koordinasyon
joint Services coordination committee
(Askeri) müşterek hizmetler koordinasyon komitesi
joint airlift coordination and control cell
(Askeri) müşterek hava ulaştırma koordinasyon ve kontrol hücresi
joint coordination of electronic warfare reprogramming
(Askeri) müşterek elektronik harp yeniden programlama koordinasyonu
joint information coordination center
(Askeri) müşterek bilgi koordinasyon merkezi
joint lighterage control center; joint logistics coordination center
(Askeri) müşterek yükleme ve boşaltma layterleri kontrol merkezi; müşterek lojistik koordinasyon merkezi
joint reception coordination center
(Askeri) müşterek kabul koordinasyon merkezi
joint targeting coordination board
(Askeri) müşterek hedefleme koordinasyon kurulu
joint transportation coordination cell; joint transportation corporate informati
(Askeri) müşterek ulaştırma koordinasyon hücresi; müşterek ulaştırma ortak bilgi yönetim merkezi
lack of coordination
eşgüdüm eksikliği
medical coordination cell
(Askeri) sıhhiye koordinasyon hücresi
naval coordination and protection of shipping
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri deniz nakliyesi koordinasyonu ve koruması
nuclear coordination
(Askeri) NÜKLEER KOORDİNASYON: Destek ihtiyaçlarını yerine getirmek amacıyla veya silahların etkisinin başka bir toprağa uzatılması nedeniyle komutanlar arasındaki irtibatın içerildiği, nükleer darbe planlamasında muhtevi bulunan bütün faaliyetleri içine alan geniş anlamlı bir terim
officer in charge of construction; operational intelligence coordination center
(Askeri) inşaat işleriyle görevli subay; harekat istihbarat koordinasyon merkezi
partnership coordination cell
(Askeri) ortaklık eşgüdüm hücresi
regional air movement coordination center
(Askeri) bölgesel hava intikal koordinasyon merkezi
relocation coordination center; rescue coordination center
(Askeri) yeniden tertiplenme koordinasyon merkezi; kurtarma koordinasyon merkezi
rescue coordination center
(Askeri) KURTARMA KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ: Arama ve kurtarma faaliyetlerini koordine ve kontrol etmek üzere münasip mürakebe personeli tahsis edilmiş ve teçhizatla donatılmış önemli bir arama ve kurtarma tesisi. Bu tesis tek taraflı olarak tek bir kuvvetin personeli tarafından (rescue coordination center) iki veya daha fazla kuvvetin personeli tarafından müştereken (joint rescue coordination center) veya iki veya daha fazla müttefik ülkelerden alınan müşterek personel tarafından çalıştırılabilir. (Müşterek kurtarma koordinasyon merkezi). Daha evvel "arama ve kurtarma koordinasyon merkezi" deniyordu. Bak. "search and rescue coordination center"
rescue coordination team (Navy)
(Askeri) kurtarma koordinasyon timi (Dnz.)
search and rescue coordination
(Askeri) Bak. "rescue coordination center"
search and rescue coordination center
(Askeri) ARAMA VE KURTARMA KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ: Arama ve kurtarma faaliyetlerini koordine ve kontrol etmek üzere, uygun nezaretçi personeli tahsis edilmiş ve teçhizatla donatılmış önemli bir arama ve kurtarma tesisi. Bu tesis müştereken veya tek taraflı çalıştırılabilir
service reserve coordination center
(Askeri) sınıf ihtiyat koordinasyon merkezi
signals intelligence/electronic warfare coordination center
(Askeri) muhabere istihbaratı/elektronik harp koordinasyon merkezi
special operations coordination element
(Askeri) özel harekat koordinasyon unsuru
staff coordination
(Askeri) KARARGAH KOORDİNASYONU: Komutanlara ait planların yerine getirilmesinde, muhtelif karargah subaylarının ahenk ve anlaşma zihniyeti içinde hareket etmelerini; plan ve prensiplerde, uygulanmalarına geçilmeden lüzumlu düzeltmeleri yapmak suretiyle anlaşmazlıkların ve tekerrürlerin giderilmesini temin için bir karargah dahilinde yapılması gerekli işlem
staff coordination
(Askeri) karargah koordinasyonu
standing operating procedures for coordination of atomic operations
(Askeri) atom harekat koordinasyonu için daimi harekat talimatları
stock coordination
(Askeri) STOK KOORDİNASYONU: Normal olarak kuvvet komutanlığı seviyesinde yürütülen ve envanter yöneticilerinin malzeme kalemleri veya kategorilerine ait malzeme tanıtma tahsislerini kontrol eden ikmal idare görevi
supporting arms coordination center
(Askeri) DESTEK SİLAHLARI KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ: Topçu, hava ve deniz topçu ateş desteğiyle ilgili tüm muhabere imkanlarının merkezi hale getirildiği bir amfibi komuta gemisinde bulunan kısım. Bu destek koordinasyon merkezinin çıkartma kuvveti tarafından kullanılan denizdeki mukabilidir. Ayrıca bakınız: "fire support coordination center"
supporting arms coordination center
(Askeri) destek sınıfları koordinasyon merkezi
surface, subsurface search surveillance coordination
(Askeri) satıh, satıhaltı aram gözetleme koordinasyonu
unconventional assisted recovery coordination center
(Askeri) konvansiyonel olmayan destekli kurtarma koordinasyon merkezi
virtual coordination group
(Askeri) sanal koordinasyon grubu
English - English
an equal joining together two or more phrases or clauses, for example, using and, or, or but
the ability to coordinate one's senses and physical movements in order to act skillfully

I'm terrible at sports -- I have no coordination.

the act of coordinating, making different people or things work together for a goal or effect

Then there's the State Service and the police and several other services. And there is no proper co-ordination, no single head for all these agencies.

The reaction of one or more ligands with a metal ion to form a coordination compound
the resulting state of working together; cooperation; synchronization

We stood dodging each other a moment with that unfortunate co-ordination of purpose men sometimes encounter when passing each other.

the state of being equal in rank or power

There are two possible modes of unity in a State; one by absolute coordination of each to all, and of all to each; the other by subordination of classes and offices.

The bringing together of agencies and resources to ensure consistent and effective response to an incident (CIMS)
{i} harmony, accord; working together
the regulation of diverse elements into an integrated and harmonious operation the skillful and effective interaction of movements the grammatical relation of two constituents having the same grammatical form
the relationships between various positions within an organization Includes reporting and supervisory relationships per organization chart
The planned collaboration of the different individuals, departments, and organizations concerned with achieving a common goal Topic areas: Governance, Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Accountability and Evaluation, Volunteer Management, Operations Management and Leadership
The frame of coordination is perhaps the most common type of relational responding It incorporates the relation of identity, sameness, or similarity This relational frame is probably the first to be abstracted sufficiently to enable its application to become arbitrary, in part because it is the only relation in which derived and trained relations are the same, regardless of the number of stimuli that participate in relational networks consisting purely of this response frame Naming is an example of the frame of coordination at its simplest
the grammatical relation of two constituents having the same grammatical form
Coordination can refer to coordination in human systems, in parallel and distributed systems, and in complex systems that include both people and computers The definition put forth by Malone and Crowston (1994) is: "Coordination is managing dependencies between activities " This definition is consistent with the simple intuition that, if there is no interdependence, there is nothing to coordinate (Concept)
The working together by audit organizations in developing and carrying out individual audits Such actions include continuous liaison, the exchange of audit techniques, and the development of audit schedules to minimize the amount of audit effort required
The process of systematically analyzing a situation, developing relevant information, and informing appropriate command authority of viable alternatives for selection of the most effective combination of available resources to meet specific objectives The coordination process (which can be either intra- or inter-agency) does not involve dispatch actions However, personnel responsible for coordination may perform command or dispatch functions within the limits established by specific agency delegations, procedures, legal authority, etc
a process of communication, planning, sharing or resources, risks and rewards for purposes of efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the complementary goals of the parties involved (Taylor-Powell et al , 1998)
-Relating to the protection of the power system, the process of coordinating the fuse, breakers and reclosers of a system so to allow the down stream devices to operate first
Ability of protector with lowest rating (in cascade arrangement) to open before protectors with higher rating when fault occurs downstream from lowest rated protector (See Cascade Circuit )
the regulation of diverse elements into an integrated and harmonious operation
a working together of muscles aimed at bringing about a purposeful movement such as walking or standing
"Coordinating" or combining sentences/clauses into one single sentence By doing so, the author gives both clauses equal importance Moreover, the two clauses should be related and reinforce each other (Example: Give me liberty or give me death! -Patrick Henry) DO NOT hook together ideas which are superficially tied together, but are otherwise unrelated (Example: President Clinton served in office for eight years, and Abraham Lincoln wore a stove pipe hat when he was President )
the ability to coordinate ones senses and physical movements in order to act skillfully
This is the ability to act alongside others who are working independently It usually accompanies an agreement to share information, telling each other of their policies, plans and outcomes
Each Topic-specific Working Group, as part of its Work Plan, issues a Coordinated Requirements Statement ("CRS") composed of self-consistent and achievable Normalized Requirements Each Normalized Requirement that is included in the CRS is accompanied by a brief paragraph explaining the reasoning behind the original submission(s) that generated the Requirement Use Cases may be appended to the CRS for added clarity The Systems Working Group is charged with ensuring that Coordinated Requirements Statements issued by individual Topic-specific Working Groups do not conflict The Coordinated Requirements Statement forms the basis for a functional description of the OeBF Product (or Component) that is to be delivered by the Topic-specific Working Group
A process of facilitating timing, communication, and feedback among work tasks
Coordination gives equal emphasis to ideas Words, phrases, or clauses can be coordinate structures The following sentence illustrates correct coordination: My favorite activities in the summer are playing volleyball, watching baseball games, and having family picnics
An organized working together of muscles and groups of muscles aimed at bringing about a purposeful movement such as walking or standing
The process of systematically analyzing a situation, developing relevant information, and informing appropriate command authority (for its decision) of viable alternatives for selection of the most effective combination of available resources to meet specific objectives The coordination process (which can be either intra- or interagency) does not in and of itself involve command dispatch actions Personnel responsible for coordination may perform command or dispatch functions within limits established by specific agency delegations, procedures, legal authority, etc
The ability of parts of the body to work together smoothly to perform actions
balancing ideas in structures in writing so that they have roughly equal importance
The process of selecting fuses and/or breakers or reclosers with specific time current characteristics, so a fault will be cleared by the downline (protecting) device before the upline (protected) can melt or lockout; the act or state of providing harmonious adjustment of functioning devices
the skillful and effective interaction of movements
linking of activities to allow them to work together effectively
ability of the body to perform smoothly and successfully more than one motor task at the same time
when two or more individuals with distinct skill sets join to work together on a project
The harmonious functioning of muscles in the body to perform complex movements
coordination chemistry
the chemistry of coordination compounds
coordination compound
a class of compounds in which a central metal atom (normally a transition element) is surrounded by a group of ions or molecules (ligands)
coordination number
the number of ligands surrounding a central metal atom in a coordination compound
coordination numbers
plural form of coordination number
coordination compound
A chemical compound formed by joining independent molecules or ions usually to a central metallic atom by coordinate bonds. Also called coordination complex
A number representing the position of a point along a line, arc, or similar one-dimensional figure
Something that is equal to another thing
To match (objects, especially clothes)
Of the same rank, equal
eye-hand coordination
Alternative form of hand-eye coordination

Sorry, but I just don't think you have the eye-hand coordination to be a juggler in this circus.

hand-eye coordination
The total amount of coordination a person has between their eyes and their hands; a person's dexterity in activities highly dependent upon sight, such as catching a ball

Sorry, but I just don't think you have the hand-eye coordination needed to be a juggler in this circus.

eye-hand coordination
Eye–hand (alternatively hand–eye) coordination refers to the control of eye movement and the processing of visual input to guide bodily movement. This has been studied in activities as diverse as tea making, the movement of solid objects such as wooden blocks, sporting performance, music reading, and copy-typing
hand-eye coordination
Hand-eye (alternatively eye-hand) coordination refers to the control of eye movement and the processing of visual input to guide bodily movement. This has been studied in activities as diverse as tea making, the movement of solid objects such as wooden blocks, sporting performance, music reading, and copy-typing
Local Aid Coordination Committee
committee which provides assistance to countries who support autonomy, LACC
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
formerly (1972-92) Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator, (1992-98) United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs Agency of the United Nations Secretariat, established in 1972 to coordinate international relief to countries struck by natural or other disaster. Responding to requests from stricken states for disaster assistance, the OCHA directs UN assistance and mobilizes aid from nongovernmental organizations such as the International Red Cross. Since the 1980s it has emphasized disaster preparedness and prevention, and it has assisted in executing projects of the United Nations Development Programme
bring order and organization to; "Can you help me organize my files?"
The ordered pair that states the location on a coordinate plane Used to describe location and or position
of equal importance, rank, or degree
If a point A is located at a certain real number on a scaled number line, then that real number is the coordinate of the point A
A variable or value that specifies a location in a two-dimensional graphical window
A single point on a grid having vertical (Y) and horizontal (X) values
In mathematics or cartography, a number representing the position of a point along a line, arc, or similar one-dimensional figure. A set of coordinates specifies position in a multi-dimensional system, with one number corresponding to the position along each of a set of independent (usually mutually perpendicular) lines, arcs, etc. In two dimensions, Cartesian coordinates specify a distance to the right (x) and a distance up (y), so "(2,3)" means 2 to the right and 3 up from a given origin. In three dimensions, three coordinates are needed to specify a unique position in space
(Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
A systematic exchange of information among principal participants in order to carry out a unified response in the event of an emergency
To bring together in a common and harmonious action or effort *
An x,y location in a Cartesian coordinate system or an x,y,z location in a three-dimensional coordinate system Coordinates represent locations on the Earth's surface relative to other locations Planar coordinates describe a two-dimensional x,y location in terms of distance from a fixed reference See also vector and Cartesian coordinate system
A position relative to an origin, expressed in Vutrax as X and Y values relative to some arbitrary 0, 0 position They may be expressed in Imperial or Metric values For Vutrax the coordinates can take either sign - Positive X is to the right, Positive Y is downwards
From Columns or other applicable formations Circulate; 1/2 Circulate; Center 6 Trade; Very Centers Veer Out as Very Outsides do your part Fan The Top Columns end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines
An x,y location in a Cartesian coordinate system or an x,y,z coordinate in a three dimensional system Coordinates represent locations on the Earth's surface relative to other locations
a number that identifies a position relative to an axis bring into common action, movement, or condition; "coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers"; "coordinate his actions with that of his colleagues"; "coordinate our efforts"
a number that identifies a position relative to an axis
an x,y location in a Cartesian coordinate system or an x,y,z location in a three dimensional matrix Coordinates represent locations in relation to other locations
The position of point is space in respect to a Cartesian coordinate system (x, y and/or z values) In GIS, a coordinate often represents locations on the earth's surface relative to other locations
To synchronize (activities)
bring into common action, movement, or condition; "coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers"; "coordinate his actions with that of his colleagues"; "coordinate our efforts"
A set of numbers that designate location Coordinates in geographic terms represent locations on the Earth's surface relative to other locations For example, latitude and longitude
Starting formation -Columns TIMING - 8
A specified position in Cartesian space The value takes the form of a short or long floating point value Z values (if any) are ignored during the enforcement and use of planar graphs
coordinate system galactic coordinate spherical coordinate system
{i} reference point, coordinate point; geographical location
{f} arrange in proper order
A set of numbers that designates location in a given reference system, such as x,y in a planar coordinate system, or x,y,z in a three-dimensional coordinate system Coordinates represent locations on the earth's surface relative to other locations
A set of numbers that designate location in a given reference system, such as x,y in a planar coordinate system or an x,y,z in a three-dimensional coordinate system Coordinates represent locations on the Earth's surface relative to other locations
The coordinate of a point is the two or three dimensional definition of this point along the axes in a refernce coordinate system Usually defined in X (horizontal, Y (vertical) and Z (depth) axes of a rectilinear coordinate system, these may also refer to cylindical (Alpha, Radius, Elevation) or spherical coordinates (Alpha, Beta, Radius)
North/south, west/east and altitude values that determine the location in a world 1 AW coordinate = 10 meters
n bring parts into proper relation Coordinating processes are used to manage how a task is displayed and modified Usually only one person is involved in the application of the process
be co-ordinated; "These activities co-ordinate well"
Starting formation - columns All dancers single file circulate once and a half The center six (three adjacent pairs) trade (turn 180°) The very center two dancers release handholds and walk diagonally outward to the end of the forming lines The two lonesome dancers walk ahead, moving in a quarter circle, to become the other ends of the forming lines
{s} equal, equivalent; of equal rank or authority
Location of a point in the design plane along the x (horizontal), y (vertical), and z (depth - 3D only) axes relative to the global origin
Coordinaat A x,y location in a Cartesian coordinate system or a x,y,z coordinate in a three dimensional system Coordinates represent locations on the Earth's surface relative to other locations
regulate, adjust or combine the actions of others to attain harmony
bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car"; "ordinate similar parts"
lack of coordination
absence of coordination, inability to coordinate
lacking coordination
uncoordinated, without coordination
tax coordination
{i} method of calculating income tax on total income of a person (who works in two different jobs) for the purposes of avoiding overtaxing



    Turkish pronunciation



    /kōˌôrdənˈāsʜən/ /koʊˌɔːrdənˈeɪʃən/


    () From Late Latin coordinationem (nominative of coordinatio), from Latin coordinare.