considerations of safety override all other concerns

listen to the pronunciation of considerations of safety override all other concerns
English - German
Sicherheitsüberlegungen haben Vorrang vor allen anderen
considerations of safety override all other concerns


    considerations of safe·ty o·ver·ride all oth·er concerns

    Turkish pronunciation

    kınsîdıreyşınz ıv seyfti ōvırrayd ôl ʌdhır kınsırnz


    /kənˌsədərˈāsʜənz əv ˈsāftē ˈōvərˌrīd ˈôl ˈəᴛʜər kənˈsərnz/ /kənˌsɪdɜrˈeɪʃənz əv ˈseɪftiː ˈoʊvɜrˌraɪd ˈɔːl ˈʌðɜr kənˈsɜrnz/