
listen to the pronunciation of conseil
English - Turkish
(Kanun) içtima
(Kanun) toplantı
(Kanun) meclis
(Kanun) konsey
conseil d'etat
(Politika, Siyaset) danıştay
conseil d'etat
(Politika, Siyaset) devlet şurası
conseil d’etat
(Politika, Siyaset) devlet konseyi
French - English
{n} counsel

Sami and Layla decided to see a couples counselor. - Sami et Layla ont décidé de voir un conseiller conjugal.

You'd make a good counselor. - Tu ferais un bon conseiller.

{n} advice

He will not change his mind in spite of my advice. - Malgré mon conseil, il ne changera pas d'avis.

Since I didn't know what to do, I asked him for advice. - Comme je ne savais quoi faire, je lui ai demandé conseil.

{n} suggestion
{n} hint
{n} tip

These simple tips will help you declutter your home. - Ces conseils simples vous aideront à désencombrer votre maison.

Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try. - Merci pour le conseil. J'essaierai d'en profiter.

{n} recommendation

His supervisor gave him a sterling recommendation. - Son chef de rayon lui donna un conseil en or.

{n} pointer
{n} advice, council; board, corporation; guidance, tip

The local school board would go to any length to ban that book. - Le conseil d'école local ferait tout pour interdire ce livre.


Today's agenda concerns the re-election of the student council. If anybody wishes to stand as a candidate, please raise your hand. - L'ordre du jour concerne la ré-élection du conseil étudiant. Si quelqu'un souhaite se porter candidat, veuillez lever la main.

This study grant was given to me by the departmental council. - Cette bourse d'étude m'a été accordée par le conseil départemental.

conseil consultatif
{n} consultative council
conseil d'administration
governing body
conseil d'arbitrage
{n} conciliation board, arbitration board
conseil d'université
{n} senate
conseil d'état
{n} council of state
conseil de cité
{n} city council
conseil de direction
{n} board of management
conseil de discipline
{n} disciplinary committee
conseil de famille
{n} family council
conseil de gestion
{n} board of trustees, highest level body which oversees an organization
conseil de guerre
{n} war council
conseil de l'éducation
{n} school board
conseil de la défense
{n} council for the defence
conseil de sécurité
{n} Security Council
conseil de yesha
{n} Yesha Council, umbrella group of settler organizations in the occupied territories of Israel (Judea, Samaria, and Gaza)
conseil des ministres
{n} cabinet, council of ministers
conseil des prud'homme
{n} conciliation board
conseil juridique
{n} solicitor
conseil local
{n} local council
conseil législatif
{n} legislature
conseil municipal
{n} municipal council, town council
conseil national
{n} national council
conseil paroissiale
{n} vestry
conseil scolaire
{n} school board
conseil élu
{n} elected council
{n} solicitor
membre du conseil municipale
{n} aldermanry
avocat conseil
{n} counsel in chambers
expert conseil
{n} consultant
membre du conseil
{n} councillor
membre du conseil presbytéral
{n} presbyter
membres du conseil
{n} council members
président du conseil d'administration
{n} chairman of the board
président du conseil municipal
{n} reeve
réunion du conseil d'administration
{n} board meeting
réunion du conseil des ministres
{n} cabinet meeting, government meeting, meeting of a president and his advisors
un petit conseil
a bit of advice