comprehensive school offering enriched curriculum in one or more subject areas

listen to the pronunciation of comprehensive school offering enriched curriculum in one or more subject areas
English - Turkish

Definition of comprehensive school offering enriched curriculum in one or more subject areas in English Turkish dictionary

magnet school
mıknatıs okul
English - English
magnet school
comprehensive school offering enriched curriculum in one or more subject areas


    com·pre·hen·sive school of·fer·ing enriched cur·ri·cu·lum in one or more sub·ject areas

    Turkish pronunciation

    kämprihensîv skul ôfrîng enrîçt kırîkyılım în hwʌn ır môr sıbcekt eriız


    /ˌkämprēˈhensəv ˈsko͞ol ˈôfrəɴɢ enˈrəʧt kərˈəkyələm ən ˈhwən ər ˈmôr səbˈʤekt ˈerēəz/ /ˌkɑːmpriːˈhɛnsɪv ˈskuːl ˈɔːfrɪŋ ɛnˈrɪʧt kɜrˈɪkjələm ɪn ˈhwʌn ɜr ˈmɔːr səbˈʤɛkt ˈɛriːəz/