compared to the same period in the previous year

listen to the pronunciation of compared to the same period in the previous year
English - German
gegenüber der Vergleichsperiode im Vorjahr
compared to the same period in the previous year


    com·pared to the same pe·ri·od in the pre·vi·ous year

    Turkish pronunciation

    kımperd tı dhi seym pîriıd în dhi priviıs yîr


    /kəmˈperd tə ᴛʜē ˈsām ˈpərēəd ən ᴛʜē ˈprēvēəs ˈyər/ /kəmˈpɛrd tə ðiː ˈseɪm ˈpɪriːəd ɪn ðiː ˈpriːviːəs ˈjɪr/