company, county

listen to the pronunciation of company, county
Turkish - English
{k} Co
{i} brittle silver-white metallic element used in a variety of alloys
Co. is used as a written abbreviation for county before the names of some counties, especially in Ireland. Co. Waterford
Co. is used as an abbreviation for company when it is part of the name of an organization. the Blue Star Amusement Co
You use and co. after someone's name to mean the group of people associated with that person. Wayne Hussey and co. will be playing two live sets each evening. Colombia (in Internet addresses). The symbol for the element cobalt. Corinthians. the written abbreviation of Colorado. American Broadcasting Co. Co operative Republic of Guyana National Broadcasting Co. 3M Co. American Express Co. American Fur Co. Anheuser Busch Co. Inc. Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Co. Boeing Co. Canadian National Railway Co. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co. Chicago and North Western Transportation Co. Co operative Commonwealth Federation Coca Cola Co. Colgate Palmolive Co. Del Monte Foods Co. Disney Co. Dow Chemical Co. DuPont Co. East India Co. East India Co. Dutch East India Co. French Eastman Kodak Co. Economic Co operation and Development Organisation for Erie Railroad Co. European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co. Ford Motor Co. Fox Broadcasting Co. Gannett Co. Inc. General Electric Co. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Great Northern Railway Co. Hewlett Packard Co. Honda Motor Co. Hudson's Bay Co. Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Co. JPMorgan Chase & Co. Levi Strauss & Co. Macy & Co. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. Montgomery Ward & Co. Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. North West Co. Northern Pacific Railway Co. Ohio Co. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Pillsbury Co. Procter & Gamble Co. Quaker Oats Co. Triangle Shirtwaist Co. fire United Fruit Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Western Electric Co. Inc. Woolworth Co. British Petroleum Co. PLC Anglo Persian Oil Co. Ltd
company, county