communications device used on the roadways which operates by radio waves

listen to the pronunciation of communications device used on the roadways which operates by radio waves
English - English
{i} walkie-talkie
communications device used on the roadways which operates by radio waves


    communications de·vice used on the roadways which operates by ra·di·o WAVES

    Turkish pronunciation

    kımyunıkeyşınz dîvays yuzd ôn dhi rōdweyz hwîç äpıreyts bay reydiō weyvz


    /kəˌmyo͞onəˈkāsʜənz dəˈvīs ˈyo͞ozd ˈôn ᴛʜē ˈrōdˌwāz ˈhwəʧ ˈäpərˌāts ˈbī ˈrādēˌō ˈwāvz/ /kəˌmjuːnəˈkeɪʃənz dɪˈvaɪs ˈjuːzd ˈɔːn ðiː ˈroʊdˌweɪz ˈhwɪʧ ˈɑːpɜrˌeɪts ˈbaɪ ˈreɪdiːˌoʊ ˈweɪvz/