
listen to the pronunciation of commission
English - Turkish
{i} komisyon

Size istikrarlı bir taban maaş artı satış komisyonu ödenecektir. - You will be paid a stable base salary plus commissions on sale.

Biz malları komisyonla satarız. - We sell goods on commission.

{i} heyet
{i} görevlendirme
{i} kurul
{i} komite
(Kanun) yapma

Arkadaşlarımdan biri iyi-tanınmış bir sanatçıyı onun karısının portresini yapması için görevlendirdi. - A friend of mine commissioned a well-known artist to paint a portrait of his wife.

Komisyon hiçbir eylem yapmadı. - The commission took no action.

(Ticaret) aracı ücreti
alt kurul
(Askeri) donanmaya katmak
(Kanun) yanma
görev vermek

Arkadaşlarımdan biri iyi-tanınmış bir sanatçıyı onun karısının portresini yapması için görevlendirdi. - A friend of mine commissioned a well-known artist to paint a portrait of his wife.

O bir deniz subayı olarak bir görev aldı. - He has received a commission as a naval officer.

sipariş etmek
(gemiyi) hizmete sokmak
terfi belgesi vermek
terfi belgesi
{f} görev ver
{i} atama
den donanmay
komisyon,v.görevlendir: n.komisyon
{f} tayin etmek
{f} 1. atamak, tayin etmek. 2
{i} eylem

Komisyon hiçbir eylem yapmadı. - The commission took no action.

{i} vazife
(Askeri) SUBAYLIK VE MEMURİYET: Böyle bir emirle verilen rütbe ve makam. Ayrıca bakınız: "activate; constitute"
memur etmek
{i} sipariş
{i} atama belgesi
{f} atamak
{i} terfi
belirli bir görev için verilen yetki
{i} talimat
{f} sipariş vermek
{i} ısmarlama
{i} işleme
{f} yetkilendirmek
{i} aracı kârı
{f} ısmarlamak
komisyon ücreti
(Kanun) provizyon
(Kanun) vekalet yetkisi
hizmete sokmak
görev ermek
(Kanun,Ticaret) komisyoncu ücreti
(Hukuk) komisyon / aracı ücreti
commission of inquiry
(Politika, Siyaset) soruşturma komisyonu
commission pennant
(Askeri) flandra
commission agent
komisyoncu acente
commission business
komisyon işi
commission merchant
commission of bankruptcy
commission plan
görev planı
commission of crime
suç komisyon
commission agent
commission expense
(Ticaret) komisyon gideri
commission of act
(Kanun) fiilin irtikabı
commission of human rights
insan hakları komisyonu
commission of offence
(Kanun) suçun işlenmesi
commission paritaire
(Politika, Siyaset) ortak katılımlı komisyon
commission pennant
(Askeri) FLANDRA: Bir geminin hizmetinde olduğunu belirtmek için prova direğine çekilen kırmızı, beyaz ve mavi kumaştan yapılmış bir şerit
commission plan
(Politika, Siyaset) komisyon planı
commission proposal
(Avrupa Birliği) Komisyon Tasarısı
commission proposal
(Politika, Siyaset) komisyon önerisi
commission rate
komisyon oranı
commission recommendation
(Avrupa Birliği) Komisyon Tavsiyesi
commission regulation
(Avrupa Birliği) Komisyon Tüzüğü
commission reports
(Politika, Siyaset) komisyon raporları
commission system
(Politika, Siyaset) komisyon sistemi
codex alimentarius commission
(Gıda) gıda standartları
işletmeye alma
(Telekom) hizmete alma
(Telekom) devreye sokma
advisory commission
(Politika, Siyaset) danışma komisyonu
assign tasks to the commission
(Politika, Siyaset) komisyonu görevlendirmek
memur olmak
(Ticaret) görevli memur
bahis toplayıcısı
işletmeye almak
hizmete sokmak
kabul etme
european commission
(Politika, Siyaset) avrupa birliği komisyonu
european commission
(Politika, Siyaset) ab komisyonu
justice commission
(Kanun) adalet komisyonu
put out of commission
research commission
(Kanun) araştırma komisyonu
royal commission
(Politika, Siyaset) kraliyet komisyonu
set up a commission
komisyon kurmak
specialization commission
(Politika, Siyaset) özel ihtisas komisyonu
brokerage commission
brokerage commission
brokerage commission
hükümet temsilcisi
komisyon üyesi
(devlet dairesinde) yetkili memur
{i} görevlendirme
draw a commission
komisyon sağlamak
draw a commission
komisyon almak
military commission
askeri kurul
selling commission
satış komisyonu
transfer commission
havale komisyonu
European Human Rights Commission
Avrupa İnsan Hakları Komisyonu
be out of commission/kilter/whack
k. dili bozulmuş olmak
bid commission
İhale komisyonu
Emniyet müdürü
credit commission
kredi komisyonu
draw a commission
komisyon sağlamak, komisyon almak
equal opportunities commission
fırsat eşitliği komisyonu
federal election commission
federal seçim komisyonu
federal trade commission
Federal Ticaret Komisyonu
get a/so.'s commission
olsun a / öyle. 'komisyon s
goods on commission
komisyon mal
health and safety commission (gbr)
sağlık ve güvenlik komisyonu (gbr)
high commission
(Politika Siyaset) Maslahatgüzarlık: İngiliz Milletler Topluluğu'na dahil ülkelerde Birleşik Krallık Elçiliği yerine görev yapan temsilcilik

British High Commission in Australia.

on a commission basis
komisyon bazında
out of commission
hizmet dışı
securities and exchange commission
(Ekonomi) Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde borsa ve sermaye piyasalarını denetleyen ve düzenleyen kamu kurumu
securities and exchange commission
menkul kıymetler ve döviz komisyon
warren commission
warren komisyonu
zoning commission
komisyonu imar
Federal Communications Commission
(Askeri) Federal Muhabere Komisyonu
accounts commission
(Ticaret) hesapları inceleme kurulu
accrued commission
(Ticaret) birikmiş komisyon
activity of the commission
(Avrupa Birliği) Komisyon faaliyeti
atomic energy commission
bidding commission
ihale komisyonu
civil service commission

Arkadaşlarımdan biri iyi-tanınmış bir sanatçıyı onun karısının portresini yapması için görevlendirdi. - A friend of mine commissioned a well-known artist to paint a portrait of his wife.

(sıfat) yetkili
{i} şube müdürü
{i} komisyonca atanan görevli
{i} komiser
(Avrupa Birliği) Komisyon üyesi (Komiser)
{i} yargıç
{i} yetkili kimse
{i} vekil
mühim bir işe tayin edilen memur
şube müdüru
(Mukavele) görevlendirme; (start-up) işletmeye alma, devreye sokma
estimated time for completion; estimated time in commission
(Askeri) tahmini tamamlama zamanı; komisyonda geçecek tahmini zaman
exit commission
(Ticaret) çıkış komisyonu
federal communication commission
fishery commission
(Denizbilim) balıkçılık komisyonu
foreign claims commission
(Askeri) YABANCI İDDİALARI TETKİK VE NETİCELENDİRME KOMİSYONU: Yabancı memleketlerde meydana gelen hadise ve kazalara ait iddiaları inceleme ve sonuçlandırma yetkisini haiz olan ve bir veya birkaç subaydan teşekkül eden kurul
hereby invites the commission to ..
(Avrupa Birliği) Komisyonu ....(yapmaya, etmeye) davet eder
highway commission
(Otomotiv) karayolları
in commission
işe hazır
in commission
sefere hazır (gemi)
international Commission on Radiation
(Nükleer Bilimler) URBÖK Uluslararası Radyasyon Birimleri
international Commission on Radiological
(Nükleer Bilimler) URKK, Uluslararası Radyolojik Koruma Komisyonu
investigation commission
inceleme heyeti
joint commission
(Avrupa Birliği) (committee) karma komisyon (komite)
military commission
(Askeri) SIKIYÖNETİM MAHKEMESİ: Harp kanunlarını ihlalden sanık ve askeri kanunlara tabi olmayan şahıslarla; askeri idareye bağlı veya sıkıyönetim kanunlarına tabi yönetim mahallerde, ilgili memleketin yasaklarını, kararnamelerini, yürürlükteki medeni kanun ve ceza kanunu hükümlerini ihlalden sanık kimselerin muhakemeleri için, askeri makam tarafından teşkil edilmiş bir mahkeme
mixed medical commission
(Askeri) KARMA SAĞLIK KURULU: Yaralı veya hasta esirleri muayene eden ve üç doktordan teşekkül eden grup. Doktorlardan birisi, esirleri elde tutan memleketten, ikisi tarafsız bir memleketten tayin edilir
out of commission
out of commission
görev yapamaz durumda
placement on commission
(Ticaret) komisyon ile plasman
president of the commission
(Politika, Siyaset) komisyon başkanı
prison watch commission
(Kanun) cezaevi izleme komisyonu
put into commission
sefere hazırlamak
put into commission
tamir etmek
put out of commission
işlemez hale getirmek
sell on commission
(Ticaret) komisyon ile satmak
should the commission find
(Politika, Siyaset) komisyon saptarsa
should the commission find
(Avrupa Birliği) Komisyon ... saptayabilirse
sliding scale commission
(Ticaret) değişken oranlı komisyon
super profit commission
(Sigorta) ekstra kar komisyonu
the commission fee is
komisyon ücreti
the commission is included
komisyon dahil edilmiştir
they shall forthwith inform the commission thereof
(Avrupa Birliği) Komisyonu durumdan derhal haberdar eder
treaty establishing a single council and a single commission of the european
(Avrupa Birliği) Communities (Merger Treaty) (1965)
turnover commission
(Ticaret) simsariye
valuation commission
(Ticaret) takdir komisyonu
what is the commission
komisyon ne kadar
English - English
A fee charged by an agent or broker for carrying out a transaction. Eg: Reseller commission, Finder's fee

The real-estate broker charged a four percent commission for their knowledge on bidding for commercial properties; for their intellectual perspective on making a formal offer and the strategy to obtain a mutually satisfying deal with the seller in favour of the buyer .

To put into active service; as, commission a ship

The aircraft carrier was commissioned in 1944, during WWII.

the act of committing (e.g. a crime)

the commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism.

The name of a service provided to validate the completeness and accuracy of a project or venture

At the end of the school renovation project, Independent Commissioning Consulting, LLC will commission the buildings energy management system to ensure its functionality and conformance to the school districts specifications.

To place an order for (often piece of art); as, commission a portrait

He commissioned a replica of the Mona Lisa for his living room, but the painter gave up after six months.

A body or group of people, officially tasked with carrying out a particular function. Eg: The European Commission, The Electoral Commission, The Federal Communications Commission

The company's sexual harassment commission made sure that every employee completed the on-line course.

An official charge or authority to do something, often used of military officers

David received his commission after graduating from West Point.

To send or officially charge someone or some group to do something

James Bond was commissioned with recovering the secret documents.

A sending or mission (to do or accomplish something)

It was James Bond's commission to defeat the bad guys.

to empower
{n} a trust, warrant of office, order
{v} to empower, authorize, intrust, appoint, depute, delegate
put into commission; equip for service; of ships
{i} percentage of profits earned by a salesperson, fee paid to an agent; committee, group of people appointed or delegated to investigate or consider some matter; document that grants certain powers; authorization; perpetration, act of committing an illegal act
The fee charged by a broker or agent for providing services related to a real estate transaction such as marketing the property, bringing the parties together, and negotiating a purchase contract or loan
In business, a commission is the compensation paid to the person or entity based on the sale of a product; commonly calculated on a percentage basis The most frequent commission formula is gross margin multiplied by the commissions percentage To handle commissions with Business Plan Pro, use the spreadsheet programming capabilities to make one row of operating expenses depend on sales, or gross margin
See Del credere
The acting under authority of, or on account of, another
Fee paid to an agent or insurance salesperson as a percentage of the policy premium The percentage varies widely depending on coverage, the insurer, and the marketing methods
The fee charged by a broker or agent for negotiating a real estate or loan transaction
Fee paid by the seller to IronPlanet for completion of the sale The fee is calculated as a percentage of the final selling price Commission fees are stepped, rather than calculated at a flat rate IronPlanet will net the commissions out of the final selling price when funds are transferred
The duty or employment intrusted to any person or persons; a trust; a charge
To send out with a charge or commission
A company of persons joined in the performance of some duty or the execution of some trust; as, the interstate commerce commission
The thing to be done as agent for another; as, I have three commissions for the city
a special group delegated to consider some matter; "a committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours" - Milton Berle
The compensation paid to a licensed real estate broker or by the broker to the salesman for services rendered Usually a percentage of the selling price of the property
A formal group of experts brought together on a regular or ad hoc basis to debate matters within that sphere of expertise, and with regulatory or quasi-judicial powers such as the ability to license activity in the sphere of activity or to subpoena witnesses Commissions usually also have advisory powers to government The organizational form of a commission is often resorted to by governments to exhaustively investigate a matter of national concern, and is often known as a "commission of inquiry " This legal structure can be contrasted with a council, the latter not enjoying quasi-judicial or regulatory powers
an amount, usually a percentage of the property sales price, that is collected by a real estate professional as a fee for negotiating the transaction
This is a percentage of the resale purchase amount that is paid to the listing and selling brokers as compensation for obtaining a successful resale contract The commission is paid only if the sale closes The commission is typically six or seven percent and is paid at closing out of the proceeds of sale
the state of being in good working order and ready for operation; "put the ships into commission"; "the motor was out of commission"
A formal written warrant or authority, granting certain powers or privileges and authorizing or commanding the performance of certain duties
the act of granting authority to undertake certain functions
A fee charged by an agent or broker for carrying out a transaction. Eg: Reseller commission, Finders fee
The fee charged to the seller by the auctioneer for providing services, usually a percentage of the gross selling price of the property established by contract (the listing agreement) prior to the auction
A payment to a subscription sales agency, usually a percentage or dollar amount per sub sold The agency collects from the subscriber, deducts the commission and remits the balance to the publisher (Also see “Remit ”)
Fees paid to a broker for executing a trade based on the number of shares traded or the dollar amount of the trade
{f} contract, order; confer rank or authority, empower, authorize
Compensation to the real estate broker, usually from the seller, for finding a buyer who completes the sales transaction It is usually based on a percentage of the sales price
A commission is a group of people who have been appointed to find out about something or to control something. The authorities have been asked to set up a commission to investigate the murders. the Press Complaints Commission
A percentage of the principal or of the income that an agent receives as compensation for services
The fee charged by a broker or agent for negotiating a real estate or loan transaction A commission is generally a percentage of the price of the property or loan
Payment to a broker for services rendered, such as in the sale or purchase of real property; usually a percentage of the selling price of the property
charge with a task put into commission; equip for service; of ships place an order for
a group of representatives or delegates
a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something; "the judge's charge to the jury"
place an order for
a special assignment that is given to a person or group; "a confidential mission to London"; "his charge was deliver a message"
Compensation due a real estate broker for acting on behalf of the principal
A fee paid by an investor to a broker or other sales agent for investment advice and assistance with buying and selling securities The commission makes up most of the sales charge and is determined as a percentage of the offering price Also referred to as Dealer Concession
a fee for services rendered based on a percentage of an amount received or collected or agreed to be paid (as distinguished from a salary); "he works on commission"
A part of the premium that is paid to the policyholder's agent or broker for their services in the insurance policy process
Money paid to a real estate agent or broker for negotiating a real estate or loan transaction
The percentage of the advertising fee paid to the Publisher for hosting the creative on their website Typical commissions range from 50 to 75 percent
If you commission something or commission someone to do something, you formally arrange for someone to do a piece of work for you. The Ministry of Agriculture commissioned a study into low-input farming You can commission them to paint something especially for you. specially commissioned reports. Commission is also a noun. He approached John Wexley with a commission to write the screenplay of the film
The fee charged by a broker or agent for negotiating a real estate or loan transaction A commission is generally a small percentage of the price of the property or amount borrowed Sometimes called points
To give a commission to; to furnish with a commission; to empower or authorize; as, to commission persons to perform certain acts; to commission an officer
the act of committing a crime
The act of intrusting; a charge; instructions as to how a trust shall be executed
A payment for the performance of specific duties in real estate; a percentage of the selling price of property, percentage of rentals, etc
If something, for example a ship or a piece of equipment, is out of commission, it is broken and cannot be used until it is repaired. The operator expects the ship to be out of commission until the end of September. see also High Commission. an informal name for the European Commission. Electoral Commission High Commission Court of Hoover Commission International Whaling Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission Securities and Exchange Commission Warren Commission President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
A certificate conferring military or naval rank and authority; as, a colonel's commission
The brokerage or allowance made to a factor or agent for transacting business for another; as, a commission of ten per cent on sales
Money paid to a real estate agent or broker by the seller as compensation for finding a buyer and completing the sale Usually it is a percentage of the sale price- - 6 to 7 percent on houses, 10 percent on land
The act of committing, doing, or performing; the act of perpetrating
an official document issued by a government and conferring on the recipient the rank of an officer in the armed forces
Compensation paid to a real estate agent (usually by the seller) for services rendered in connection with the sale, exchange, or lease of property
the act of granting authority to undertake certain functions an official document issued by a government and conferring on the recipient the rank of an officer in the armed forces a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something; "the judge's charge to the jury"
If a bank or other company charges commission, they charge a fee for providing a service, for example for exchanging money or issuing an insurance policy. Sellers pay a fixed commission fee
A commission is a piece of work that someone is asked to do and is paid for. Just a few days ago, I finished a commission
commission de bene esse
A commission appointed to take evidence by deposition where the deponent is unwilling or unable to come to court and the court cannot compel the witness/deponent
commission override
A commission paid to a sales manager based on a percentage of his or her salespeople's commissions
Commission for Racial Equality
the CRE a British government organization established in 1976 to make sure that people of all races are treated fairly and equally by employers, schools, etc
Commission on the Status of Women
organization which deals with women's issues
commission broker
agent which sells stocks or property and takes a fee for every sale
commission fee
A fee charged by a broker for executing a transaction Also referred to as brokerage fee
commission merchant
{i} one who sells for a commission
commission merchant
One that buys and sells goods for others on a commission basis
commission of crime
perpetration of offense, execution of violation of the law
commission of enquiry
committee appointed to investigate a particular subject
commission of inquiry
committee appointed to investigate a particular subject
commission of offense
perpetration of transgression of the law, execution of crime
commission on human rights
the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with human rights
commission on narcotic drugs
the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with drug traffic
commission on the status of women
the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with the status of women in different societies
commission plan
a municipal government that combines legislative and executive authority in the members of a commission
commission plan
Municipal government in which legislative and administrative functions and powers are vested in an elected commission rather than in a mayor and city council
commission schedule
chart which shows the commission fees charged for various bank services
Countryside Commission
a British organization whose aim is to look after the countryside and prevent it being spoiled. It provides national parks, paths etc for people who want to enjoy the country
Court of High Commission
English ecclesiastical court instituted by Henry VIII to enforce the Act of Supremacy (1534). It became a controversial instrument of repression, used against those who refused to acknowledge the authority of the Church of England. Its main function, and the most controversial, was administration of the oath ex officio, committing one to answer even self-incriminating questions; those who refused to take the oath were turned over to the feared Court of Star Chamber. Opposition, mainly from the Puritans and the common lawyers, resulted in the court's abolishment by Parliament in 1641. See also prerogative court
collection commission
{i} percentage received for collecting a debt for another party
European Commission
The executive branch of the European Union
Federal Communications Commission
US wireless regulatory authority. The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating Interstate and International communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable
Someone commissioned to perform certain duties
A member of a commission
out of commission
Not operational or not functioning properly

A traffic light was out of commission, leaving motorists to sort their way through an occasionally busy intersection.

{s} appointed, assigned, authorized, empowered
{n} one who is empowered to act
rogatory commission
A rogatory letter (also called a “rogatory commission”) is a formal request made by judicial authority in one country to a judicial authority in another country, requesting assistance in certain tasks that are needed as part of an ongoing procedure in the first country, as specified in international treaties to which both countries are party or, in the absence of a treaty, based on the principle of reciprocity
securities and exchange commission
(Ekonomi) The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a U.S. government agency that oversees securities transactions, activities of financial professionals and mutual fund trading to prevent fraud and intentional deception. The SEC consists of five commissioners who serve staggered five-year terms. No more than three of the commissioners may belong to the same political party
Atomic Energy Commission
{i} former United States atomic research agency, AEC
Audit Commission
an independent organization in the UK that examines the spending of money by local government councils, and finds ways of reducing their costs
Charity Commission
a British organization that keeps records of any organization that has been officially recognized as a charity and controls the way that charities are operated
Criminal Cases Review Commission
a British organization, set up in 1997, that investigates cases where it is believed a person might have been wrongfully convicted of a crime
Electoral Commission
See also Wormley Conference
Electoral Commission
(1877) Commission created to resolve the disputed 1876 presidential election between Republican Rutherford B. Hayes and Democrat Samuel Tilden. Tilden had won the popular vote and was only one electoral vote short of victory, but the Republicans contested the tallies in four states, charging fraud. Unable to reach a consensus, Congress appointed a 15-member commission, evenly divided between the two parties, except for one justice, Joseph P. Bradley, a Republican considered nonpartisan; Republicans pressured him, and the tally went to Hayes, who was declared the winner on March
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission
the EEOC a US government organization whose aim is to make sure that people are not prevented from getting jobs because of their race, religion, age, sex etc, and to make sure that all workers are treated fairly and equally
Equal Opportunities Commission
a British government organization whose aim is to make sure that women and men have the same opportunities in education and jobs, and that people are not treated unfairly because of their sex
European Commission
a group of 20 officials, chosen by the countries in the EU (=the European Union) , who suggest plans for the EU, carry out decisions that the EU has made, and make sure that the EU's laws are obeyed
Federal Communications Commission
the FCC a US government organization which makes rules that control broadcasting on radio, television, cable and satellite television in the US
Federal Election Commission
independent U.S. government agency which enforces campaign finance regulations (for candidates for the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, President, and Vice President), FEC
Federal Trade Commission
the full name of the FTC
Forestry Commission
an organization that is responsible for taking care of forests in the UK. In the US there is a similar organization called the Forest Service
High Commission
A High Commission is the office where a High Commissioner and his or her staff work, or the group of officials who work there
Hoover Commission
(1947-49, 1953-55) Advisory body headed by former Pres. Herbert Hoover to examine the organization of the U.S. executive branch. The first commission, officially titled the Commission on Organization of the U.S. Executive Branch, was appointed by Pres. Harry Truman to reduce the number of federal government departments. Recommendations from this and a second commission appointed by Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower were largely adopted. Some agencies were consolidated and new bodies were created, including the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and the General Services Administration
Income Tax Commission
authority which oversees income tax issues
International Whaling Commission
An intergovernmental organization created in 1946 to control the rapid escalation of whaling. The original purpose of the IWC was to preserve whale stocks for commercial whalers. Whale populations, however, continued to decline, and in 1986 the IWC instituted a moratorium on commercial whaling that remains in effect. At the beginning of the 21st century, 40 countries belonged to the commission, but membership has fluctuated over the years. The commission's success has been limited by governments leaving the IWC, ignoring its policies, or breaching regulations
Interstate Commerce Commission
the ICC the US government organization that deals with the way the US states buy, sell, and exchange goods with each other. (1887-1995) First regulatory agency established in the U.S. and a prototype for independent government regulatory bodies. An agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation, it was responsible for the economic regulation of interstate surface transportation, including railroads, trucking companies, and buslines. It certified carriers, regulated rates, oversaw mergers, and approved railroad construction. The ICC was dissolved in 1995
Monopolies and Mergers Commission
a British government organization whose job is to examine cases where two companies plan to merge (=join together to form a larger company) , and to decide whether this would be bad for other businesses and for ordinary customers. There is a similar organization in the US called the FTC (=the Federal Trade Commission)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
the NRC a US government organization that checks on the safety of nuclear power stations. U.S. independent regulatory agency that oversees the civilian use of nuclear energy. Established in 1974 to replace the Atomic Energy Commission, the NRC licenses the construction and operation of nuclear reactors and other facilities and the ownership and use of nuclear materials. It issues standards, rules, and regulations for the maintenance of licenses, and it regularly inspects nuclear facilities to ensure compliance with public health and safety, environmental quality, national security, and antitrust laws. The NRC also investigates nuclear accidents, conducts public hearings, and reviews power-plant operations. Its commissioners are appointed by the president of the U.S
Press Complaints Commission
a British organization which tries to make sure that the British press (=newspapers and magazines) give professional, high quality news reports, and which deals with complaints about the press
Prisons Commission
prison authorities
Royal Commission
a group of people chosen by the British government to make suggestions about a subject that the government thinks may need new laws
Securities and Exchange Commission
SEC, American board that regulates the sale and public offering of securities
Security and Exchange Commission
board that regulates the public offering and sale of securities
Shamgar Commission
investigation held to determine the level of responsibility for the murder of Israeli Prime Minister Rabin
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
the TRC in South Africa, a group of people chosen by the government to find out the truth about crimes commited during the time of apartheid, in order to help the people of South Africa to live together in peace
United Nations Commission on Human Rights
United Nations agency established to promote human rights worldwide (deals with issues such as religious freedom, discrimination, etc.), UNCHR
United Nations High Commission for Refugees
the full name of the UNHCR
United States Atomic Energy Commission
{i} USAEC, former United States government atomic research agency that was in charged and controlled the research of atomic energy and its peace time uses in the United States
Warren Commission
officially President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (1963-64) Group appointed by Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the circumstances surrounding John F. Kennedy's slaying and the shooting of his assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. It was chaired by Earl Warren and included two U.S. senators, two U.S. congressmen, and two former public officials. After months of investigation, it reported that Kennedy was killed by Oswald's rifle shots from the Texas School Book Depository and that Oswald's murder by Jack Ruby two days later was not part of a conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy. Its findings were later questioned in a number of books and articles and in a special congressional committee report in 1979, though no conclusive contradictory evidence was found
Warren Commission
committee appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy
atomic energy commission
a former executive agency (from 1946 to 1974) that was responsible for research into atomic energy and its peacetime uses in the United States
audit commission
A Government body with responsibility for assuring value of money from local authorities, the NHS and the police
audit commission
A freestanding government body which audits local government authorities and health authorities They were formed to promote the best use of public money
audit commission
The Audit Commission has a duty to specify local authority (includes Police Authority) performance indicators as set out in the Audit Commission Act 1998
bank commission
charge paid to the bank for performing transactions
blue ribbon commission
an independent and exclusive commission of nonpartisan statesmen and experts formed to investigate some important governmental issue
civil service commission
In the United States, a commission appointed by the President, consisting of three members, not more than two of whom may be adherents of the same party, which has the control, through examinations, of appointments and promotions in the classified civil service
civil service commission
civil service commission
authority established to deal with personnel issues involving people employed by the civil branches of a government
past of commission
of military officers; holding by virtue of a commission a rank of second lieutenant or ensign or above
the Commissioner of Student Discipline, Fredericton or Saint John campus
A commissioner is an important official in a government department or other organization. the European Commissioner for External Affairs. police commissioner see also High Commissioner
An official in charge of a government department, especially a police force
A Small Claims Court commissioner is an attorney hired by the court to hear Small Claims Court cases
A state officer who administers the state's insurance laws and regulations In some states, this regulator is called the director or superintendent of insurance
(d) means the Commissioner of Health of the State of New York
The head of a Council (District, Division, Area, Provincial and National) within Guiding
The Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks in the United States Patent and Trademark Office At the time of this writing, that position is held by Bruce Lehman
{i} official representative; head of a department; member of a commission; elected government official
a government administrator
the head administrator of the State Real Estate Commission
An officer having charge of some department or bureau of the public service
This person is similar to a judge but only makes decisions relating to a particular subject matter Many counties have family law commissioners who decide cases only in family law, such as dissolutions
The official designated by the jurisdiction to be responsible for the administration of IFTA
A person who has a commission or warrant to perform some office, or execute some business, for the government, corporation, or person employing him; as, a commissioner to take affidavits or to adjust claims
shall mean the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection for the Commonwealth
A term used in the NHS to describe a health authority which both purchases existing services and specifies or develops new services in conjunction with a health service provider
A person appointed by the court who is given the power to hear and make decisions concerning certain limited legal matters: e g , jury commissioner, traffic commissioner, small claims commissioner
A state officer who handles the state's insurance laws and regulations
A Small Claims Court commissioner is an attorney hired by the court to hear Small Claims Court cases Top of Page
A person chosen by the court and given the power to hear and make decisions in certain kinds of legal matters
The Commissioner of the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services for the State of Maine
Motor Fuels Revocation Weight
a government administrator a member of a commission
An official in charge of some department of government In Ohio, a commissioner is a county official There are also commissioners of other organizations, such as a baseball commissioner of a national baseball league
the president of the NBA
The head of a state insurance department The public officer charged with the supervision of the insurance business in the state and the administration of insurance laws Called superintendent or director in some jurisdictions
Executive Officer of the Board
{i} amildar
plural of commissioner
An activity commenced at completion of construction and often including initial user occupancy, intended to allow designers and managers to check functional subsystems, to determine that the facility is functioning properly, and to undertake any necessary remedial action Commissioning typically spans a period of 6 to 12 months
Buying and ensuring the maintenance of care tailored to local needs
The process at or near construction completion when a facility is put into use to see if it functions as designed Usually applied to manufacturing type projects, and similar to Beneficial Occupancy in the commercial sector
Start-up of a building that includes testing and adjusting HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and other systems to assure proper functioning and adherence to design criteria Commissioning also includes the instruction of building representatives in the use of the building systems
(Mise en service) - This is the formal handover of operational responsibility and maintenance responsibility for the end-product of the project from the project manager to the departmental operational and maintenance authorities, respectively The commissioning documents normally include an agreed listing of operational and maintenance deficiencies, together with an agreed plan for clearing up these deficiencies
Arranging for care or health services to be provided, either for an individual or for a group of service users
Gerund of commission
Present participle of commission
A process for achieving, verifying and documenting the performance of buildings to meet the owner's functional criteria, including preparation of operator personnel
This is the process that PCTs go through to agree health services which a provider (such as an NHS Trust) will provide for a specified sum of money Commissioning also involves monitoring these contracts to ensure best value for money
the act of granting authority to undertake certain functions
the testing of HVAC systems prior to building occupancy to check whether the systems meet the operational needs of the building within the capabilities of the system design
The process by which the health needs of the population are defined, priorities determined and appropriate services purchased and evaluated
The final adjustment, setting and balancing of an HVAC system (typically) to match the specification and design intention requirements
Commissioning can be subdivided into three major activities; installation, operation and performance qualifications It is a formal, written procedure to the planning, executing and documenting of facility validation This process may include environmental compliance checks, verification of personnel protection equipment and qualification of containment systems as well as validation of systems related to cGMP regulations
Obtaining and documenting evidence that equipment has been provided and installed in accordance with its specification and that it functions within predetermined limits when operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions
Is a basic four-part processing verifying: the review of the project program through design and construction, the interaction and training process for facility personnel, the correction of project deficiencies, and the recordation of warranties and guarantees
The process whereby a PCT arranges for health services to be provided to a local population and fund these services
The process by which a leadership team approves the development of a new team Commissioning involves defining a purpose, clarifying important guidelines, establishing a reporting process and identifying the team leader
is the phase during which the capabilities of the system are demonstrated in the final operational configuration under defined operating conditions During commissioning, both verification and validation tests are performed on the complete system
Churches typically organize with various commissions to oversee specific aspects of the church’s ministry (See Appendices B and C )
the plural of commission
The amount of money paid to Advisors on the sales of services or products and services
The regular commissions person earns after signing up as a Member based on his/her title and the BVP of purchases made by himself/herself and his/her network of Members These are paid each month that a Member makes a qualifying purchase
An amount your receive that is a percentage of profits or sales price is compensation
in advertising, placement of advertising in media is compensated, at typically 15% of the cost of the time or space, through commissions
A commission is a fee charged by an investment advisor for buying or selling securities on behalf of a client
The fees paid for executing a trade
The commissions paid to brokers for buying or selling stock range from 3 to 5 cents a share for institutions to 15 cents a share for discount brokers But when you purchase an IPO at the offer price, you pay no commission Instead, the underwriter charges the issuing company a gross spread, which is the difference between the public offering price and what the issuing company received Typically, this spread is 7% to 8% of the IPO's offering price The profitability of doing IPOs is one important reason why investment banks focus on developing this business
A percent of the total product cost paid to travel agents and other travel product distributors for selling the product to the consumer
A commission is an assessed percentage based on final price due the broker at the conclusion of a sale
Compensation, usually a percent of the Premium charged for a Policy, received by and Agent from the Insurer If there is a Broker involved in the transaction, generally the Broker will obtain a portion of the Agent's commissions
Generally composed of both legislators and public members, it is primarily designed to study and propose legislation on specific and usually more complex issues Commissions can be either temporary or permanent
A bank charge for providing the various services under a Letter of Credit Common commissions are assessed for preadvising, advising, confirming, amending, transferring, assigning and negotiating Letters of Credit, or accepting drafts
Payments to qualified agents of the sponsor of a limited partnership, for selling interests in it to investors Commissions may take the form of a percent of partnership interests sold, an oil and gas interest, or stock in the sponsor's company
A percentage received by an agency or personal manager for obtaining work for a performer Commissions are paid from the fees received by the performer
A percentage of the total amount of money paid to an agent on behalf of a model
economic and social council commission
a commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
economic commission for asia and the far east
the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with economic development of countries in Asia and the Far East
economic commission for europe
the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with economic development in Europe
economic commission for latin america
the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with economic development in Latin America
election commission
a commission delegated to supervise an election
evidence in commission
evidence or testimony that has been gathered outside of a courtroom by one certified to do so
exchange commission
fee charged for changing money from one currency to another
fairness commission
a commission delegated to ensure opportunities for the expression of opposing views
federal communications commission
an independent governmeent agency that regulates interstate and international communications by radio and television and wire and cable and satellite