coming to attention

listen to the pronunciation of coming to attention
English - Danish

Definition of coming to attention in English Danish dictionary

come to attention
kommer til opmærksomhed
English - Russian

Definition of coming to attention in English Russian dictionary

come to attention
попали в поле зрения
English - Finnish

Definition of coming to attention in English Finnish dictionary

come to attention
ottaa asento
English - Greek

Definition of coming to attention in English Greek dictionary

come to attention
υποπέσει στην αντίληψή (ypopesei stin antilipsi)
English - Lehçe

Definition of coming to attention in English Lehçe dictionary

come to attention
dochodzą do wiadomości
English - French

Definition of coming to attention in English French dictionary

come to attention
portés à l'attention
English - Swedish

Definition of coming to attention in English Swedish dictionary

come to attention
kommer till uppmärksamhet
English - Portuguese

Definition of coming to attention in English Portuguese dictionary

come to attention
chamaram a atenção
English - Spanish

Definition of coming to attention in English Spanish dictionary

come to attention
llamado la atención
English - Italian

Definition of coming to attention in English Italian dictionary

come to attention
venire a conoscenza
English - Dutch

Definition of coming to attention in English Dutch dictionary

come to attention
komen om de aandacht te
English - German
aufmerksam werdend
come to attention
aufmerksam geworden
come to attention
gekommen, um Aufmerksamkeit
coming to attention


    com·ing to at·ten·tion

    Turkish pronunciation

    kʌmîng tı ıtenşın


    /ˈkəməɴɢ tə əˈtensʜən/ /ˈkʌmɪŋ tə əˈtɛnʃən/