The two sides came to terms: Reach an agreement/understanding, make a deal, reach a compromise, meet each other halfway.She eventually came to terms with her situation: Accpet, come to accept, reconcile oneself to, learn to live with, become resigned to, make the best of; face up to
make an arrangement, settle, reach mutual agreement; face and deal a situation and come to understand totally and in an unbiased manner (e.g., "I really had no choice and I came to terms with my mom's illness")
come to term
Turkish pronunciation
kʌm tı tırm
/ˈkəm tə ˈtərm/ /ˈkʌm tə ˈtɜrm/
[ 'k&m ] (verb.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English cuman; akin to Old High German queman to come, Latin venire, Greek bainein to walk, go.