come into consideration

listen to the pronunciation of come into consideration
English - Dutch
komen in aanmerking
English - Swedish
komma i fråga
English - Russian
вступает в рассмотрение
English - French
sont pris en considération
English - German
in Betracht kommen
English - Spanish
pueden tenerse en cuenta
English - Greek
μπορούν να ληφθούν υπόψη (boroyn na lifthoyn ypopsi)
English - Finnish
tulevat huomioon
English - Danish
komme i betragtning
English - Lehçe
uwzględnia się
English - Italian
vengono presi in considerazione
English - Portuguese
levados em consideração
come into consideration


    come in·to con·sid·e·ra·tion

    Turkish pronunciation

    kʌm întı kınsîdıreyşın


    /ˈkəm əntə kənˌsədərˈāsʜən/ /ˈkʌm ɪntə kənˌsɪdɜrˈeɪʃən/