
listen to the pronunciation of colonialism
English - Turkish

Birçoğu sömürgecilik altında uzun süre baskı ve zorluktan çekti. - Many have long suffered oppression and hardship under colonialism.

{i} kolonicilik
{i} sömürgecilik yanlısı
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) yeni sömürgecilik
English - English
Colonial life
A colonial linguistic expression. Term or expression of colonial origin entered in a language
The colonial domination policy pursued by the powers of Europe, from the second half of the XIX century to the years following World War II. A colonial system
The establishment of government/sovereign rule in a foreign territory over an alien people It was practiced by the European states such as Britain, France, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal in Africa, Asia and Australasia/Oceania
national policy of establishing settlements of people who remain under the jurisdiction of their native land in distant lands; generally done for the economic exploitation of the colonial region command economy : system in which economic goals are set by government officials
The maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural dominance over a people by a foreign power for an extended period of time (p 255)
Permanent rule of one country or region by another, usually based on conquest Feature of European expansion since sixteenth century, as Western powers took control of people and territory across much of globe Last wave in Africa, late-nineteenth century South American colonies gained independence in nineteenth century, African and Asian after WW II
The colonial system or policy in political government or extension of territory
{i} policy of a nation seeking to extend it's authority over other peoples or territories, territorial expansion through the establishment of colonies
In terms of education this word is used to describe traditional type "chalk-and-talk" classroom teaching situations In a country where basic, yet vital skills are lacking, it also implies an emphasis on subject matter that isn't quite applicable, such as 17th century European history or the French language So called "irrelevant subjects" are a stated cause for dissatisfaction amongst today's students See "Apartheid" for more
A colonial linguistic expression. Term or expression of colonial origin entered in a European language
The state or quality of, or the relationship involved in, being colonial
Control of overseas colonies by imperial powers; a foreign power rules a large group of people; the foreign power uses the colony for wealth and has more advanced technology than the people of the colonies
A custom, idea, feature of government, or the like, characteristic of a colony
forced change in which one culture, society, or nation dominates another
Colonialism is the practice by which a powerful country directly controls less powerful countries and uses their resources to increase its own power and wealth. the bitter oppression of slavery and colonialism It is interesting to reflect why European colonialism ended. when a powerful country rules a weaker one, and establishes its own trade and society there colony, imperialism imperialism. Control by one power over a dependent area or people. The purposes of colonialism include economic exploitation of the colony's natural resources, creation of new markets for the colonizer, and extension of the colonizer's way of life beyond its national borders. The most active practitioners were European countries; in the years 1500-1900, Europe colonized all of North and South America and Australia, most of Africa, and much of Asia by sending settlers to populate the land or by taking control of governments. The first colonies were established in the Western Hemisphere by the Spanish and Portuguese in the 15th-16th century. The Dutch colonized Indonesia in the 16th century, and Britain colonized North America and India in the 17th-18th century. Later British settlers colonized Australia and New Zealand. Colonization of Africa only began in earnest in the 1880s, but by 1900 virtually the entire continent was controlled by Europe. The colonial era ended gradually after World War II; the only territories still governed as colonies today are small islands. See also decolonization, dependency, imperialism
exploitation by a stronger country of weaker one; the use of the weaker country's resources to strengthen and enrich the stronger country
is imperialism in a formal sense, i e political as well as economic control is established by one country over another, whether or not accompanied by significant permanent settlement
Of or pertaining to colonialism
An advocate of colonialism
A colonialist is a person who believes in colonialism or helps their country to get colonies. rulers who were imposed on the people by the colonialists. a supporter of colonialism
a believer in colonialism
{i} advocate of colonialism, advocate of colonial rule (territorial expansion through the establishment of colonies)
Colonialist means relating to colonialism. the European colonialist powers
plural of colonialist



    Turkish pronunciation



    /kəˈlōnēəˌləzəm/ /kəˈloʊniːəˌlɪzəm/