
listen to the pronunciation of coal-
English - Turkish
<span class="word-self">coalspan>

Gemi kömür, kereste, ve benzeri şeylerle yüklüydü. - The vessel was loaded with coal, lumber, and so on.

Bir kömür madeninde yıllarca çalışmaktan hastanın akciğer dokusu hasar gördü. - The patient's lung tissue was damaged from years of working in a coal mine.

<span class="word-self">coalspan>-fired
(Enerji Üretimi) Kömür yakıtlı
<span class="word-self">coalspan>-mining
kömür madenciliği
<span class="word-self">coalspan>-maceral group
kömür-maseral grubu
<span class="word-self">coalspan>-water mixture
kömür- su karışımı
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
{i} maden kömürü
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
{i} bir yakımlık kömür
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
{f} kömür al
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
{f} kömür vermek
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
{i} kor
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
{f} kömür almak
a day as black as <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(deyim) kapkara bir gün
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Kimya) taş kömürü
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Jeoloji) alevli kömür
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Jeoloji) taşkömür
bottom <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Madencilik) taban kömürü
brown <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Çevre) linyi
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
mangal kömürü
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
<span class="word-self">coalspan> ash
kömür külü
<span class="word-self">coalspan> bed
(Madencilik,Teknik) kömür yatağı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> black
<span class="word-self">coalspan> cleaning
(Madencilik) kömür temizleme
<span class="word-self">coalspan> deposit
(Madencilik) kömür yatakları
<span class="word-self">coalspan> district
(Madencilik) kömür bölgesi
<span class="word-self">coalspan> mill
kömür değirmeni
<span class="word-self">coalspan> miner
(Çevre) kömür madencisi
<span class="word-self">coalspan> miners
kömür madencileri
<span class="word-self">coalspan> oil
ham petrol
<span class="word-self">coalspan> rank
(Madencilik) kömürleşme derecesi
<span class="word-self">coalspan> rank
(Madencilik) kömür kalitesi
<span class="word-self">coalspan> store
kömür deposu
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar
gazhane katranı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tit
çam baştankarası
<span class="word-self">coalspan> trade
kömür ticareti
hard <span class="word-self">coalspan>
mine <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Madencilik) kömür çıkarmak
powder <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Madencilik) toz kömür
powdered <span class="word-self">coalspan>
wood <span class="word-self">coalspan>
European <span class="word-self">Coalspan> and Steel Community
Avrupa Kömür Çelik Topluluğu
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
taş kömür
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
bitümlü kömür
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
adi maden kömürü
boghead <span class="word-self">coalspan>
brown <span class="word-self">coalspan>
yağız kömür
brown <span class="word-self">coalspan>
candle <span class="word-self">coalspan>
uzun alevli kömür
cannel <span class="word-self">coalspan>
ince taneli donuk renkli kömür
cherry <span class="word-self">coalspan>
yarı yağlı kömür
clinkering <span class="word-self">coalspan>
cüruflu kömür
<span class="word-self">coalspan> bin
<span class="word-self">coalspan> black
kömür karası
<span class="word-self">coalspan> bunker
<span class="word-self">coalspan> chute
kömür kaydırma oluğu
<span class="word-self">coalspan> consumption per kwh
kwh başına kömür tüketimi
<span class="word-self">coalspan> depot
kömür stok sahası
<span class="word-self">coalspan> district
kömür havzası
<span class="word-self">coalspan> drawing
kömür çıkarma
<span class="word-self">coalspan> dressing
kömür hazırlama
<span class="word-self">coalspan> dust
kömür tozu
<span class="word-self">coalspan> dust furnace
kömür tozu ocağı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> face
kömür alnı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> field
kömür yatağı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> formation
kömür oluşumu
<span class="word-self">coalspan> gas
kömür gazı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> gas
<span class="word-self">coalspan> grinding
kömür öğütme
<span class="word-self">coalspan> hopper
kömür hunisi
<span class="word-self">coalspan> industry
kömür endüstrisi
<span class="word-self">coalspan> measure
kömür tabakası
<span class="word-self">coalspan> mine
kömür madeni

Tom kömür madeni işçisiydi. - Tom was a coal miner.

Bir kömür madeninde yıllarca çalışmaktan hastanın akciğer dokusu hasar gördü. - The patient's lung tissue was damaged from years of working in a coal mine.

<span class="word-self">coalspan> oil
<span class="word-self">coalspan> pile
kömür yığını
<span class="word-self">coalspan> scuttle
kömür kovası
<span class="word-self">coalspan> scuttle
kömür kabı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> seam
kömür damarı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> stamping machine
kömür sıkıştırıcı makina
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar
kömür katranı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar heavy oil
kömür katranı ağır yağı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar light oil
kömür katranı hafif yağı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar middle oil
kömür katranı orta yağı
coking <span class="word-self">coalspan>
kok kömürü
drossy <span class="word-self">coalspan>
piritli kömür
dust <span class="word-self">coalspan>
toz kömür
fat <span class="word-self">coalspan>
yağlı kömür
fat <span class="word-self">coalspan>
ziftli kömür
fine <span class="word-self">coalspan>
ince kömür
gas <span class="word-self">coalspan>
gaz kömürü
hard <span class="word-self">coalspan>
hard <span class="word-self">coalspan>
parlak kömür
lean <span class="word-self">coalspan>
zayıf kömür
lump <span class="word-self">coalspan>
parça kömür
mineral <span class="word-self">coalspan>
mineral <span class="word-self">coalspan>
peat <span class="word-self">coalspan>
turba kömürü
pit <span class="word-self">coalspan>
pit <span class="word-self">coalspan>
pulverized <span class="word-self">coalspan>
toz kömür
pure <span class="word-self">coalspan>
saf kömür
rank of <span class="word-self">coalspan>
kömürdeki karbon miktarı
small <span class="word-self">coalspan>
ince kömür
soft <span class="word-self">coalspan>
katranlı kömür
soft <span class="word-self">coalspan>
yumuşak maden kömürü
splint <span class="word-self">coalspan>
arduvazlı kömür
vegetable <span class="word-self">coalspan>
bitkisel kömür
anthrax, carbon, carbuncle, <span class="word-self">coalspan>
şarbon, karbon, kan çıbanı, kömür
as a <span class="word-self">coalspan> mine
kömür madeni olarak
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
adı maden kömürü
boiler <span class="word-self">coalspan>
kazan kömürü
burning <span class="word-self">coalspan>
yanan kömür
<span class="word-self">coalspan> burner
kömür yakıcı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> car
kömür vagonu
<span class="word-self">coalspan> cleat
<span class="word-self">coalspan> cutter
kömür kesici
<span class="word-self">coalspan> fields
kömür alanlar
<span class="word-self">coalspan> liquefaction
(Kimya) Kömürün sıvılaştırılması
<span class="word-self">coalspan> measure
kömür tabakası, kömür katmanı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> pan
kömür pan
<span class="word-self">coalspan> plant
kömürle çalışan enerji santrali
<span class="word-self">coalspan> scuttle
kömür kömür kovası
<span class="word-self">coalspan> slurry
Sulu, çamur halde kömür
<span class="word-self">coalspan> stove
kömür sobası

Kömür sobasıyla uyumamalısınız. Çünkü karbonmonoksit olarak adlandırılan çok zehirli bir gaz içerir. Kömür sobasıyla uyumak ölümle sonuçlanabilir. - You shouldn't sleep with a coal stove on because it releases a very toxic gas called carbon monoxide. Sleeping with a coal stove running may result in death.

<span class="word-self">coalspan> stove poisoning
soba zehirlenmesi
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar light oil
kömür katrani hafif yağı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar middle oil
kömür katrani orta yağı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> train
kömür treni
decolorizing <span class="word-self">coalspan>
renk açma kömürü
fat <span class="word-self">coalspan>
yağlı kömür, ziftli kömür
free burning <span class="word-self">coalspan>
uzun alevli kömür, uzun yalazli kömür
graded <span class="word-self">coalspan>
elenmiş kömür
run of mine <span class="word-self">coalspan>
tuvönan kömür
sized <span class="word-self">coalspan>
taneleri büyüklüklerine göre sınıflandırılmış kömür
subbituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
subbituminous kömür
bitumen <span class="word-self">coalspan>
bitümlü kömür
candle <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Madencilik) uzun yalazlı kömür
carry <span class="word-self">coalspan> to newcastle
denize su taşımak
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
coaling station kömür ikmal limanl veya iskelesi
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
kömür haline gelinceye kadar yakmak
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
coal bed jeol maden kömürü yatağı
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
kor coal basket
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
kömür al/kömür at
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
coalbin kömürlük coal black simsiyah
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
kömür,v.kömür al: n.kömür
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
coal gas havagazı
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
<span class="word-self">coalspan> bump
(Jeoloji) kömür pallaması
<span class="word-self">coalspan> dealer
<span class="word-self">coalspan> delivery
kömür sevkiyatı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> face
(Jeoloji) kömür aynası
<span class="word-self">coalspan> heaver
kömür işçisi
<span class="word-self">coalspan> hole
<span class="word-self">coalspan> maceral
(Jeoloji) kömür maseralı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> measure
(Jeoloji) kömür katmanı
<span class="word-self">coalspan> measures
(Jeoloji) kömür yan kayaçları
<span class="word-self">coalspan> seam
(Jeoloji) kömür seviyesi
<span class="word-self">coalspan> size
kömür boyutu
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tongs
ateş maşası
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tower
(Endüstri) kömür kulesi
<span class="word-self">coalspan> wharf
kömür iskelesi
crushed <span class="word-self">coalspan>
kırılmış kömür
european <span class="word-self">coalspan> and steel community
(Avrupa Birliği) (ECSC) Avrupa Kömür ve Çelik Topluluğu (AKÇT)
flame <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Madencilik) yalazlı kömür
flame <span class="word-self">coalspan>
yaklaşık %40'tan daha fazla uçucu bileşen içeren kömür
gas <span class="word-self">coalspan>
havagazı kömürü
glance <span class="word-self">coalspan>
parlak kömür
glance <span class="word-self">coalspan>
antrasit kömürü
green <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Madencilik) teşil kömür
heel of <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Madencilik) kömür topuğu
humic <span class="word-self">coalspan>
hümik kömür
layer of <span class="word-self">coalspan>
kömür tabakası
lump <span class="word-self">coalspan>
topak kömür
mother of <span class="word-self">coalspan>
(Jeoloji) ana kömür
nut <span class="word-self">coalspan>
fındık kömürü
ottoman <span class="word-self">coalspan> mine regulations
dilaver paşa nizamnamesi
rank of <span class="word-self">coalspan>
kömür sınıfı
rank of <span class="word-self">coalspan>
kömürleşme derecesi
stone <span class="word-self">coalspan>
stone <span class="word-self">coalspan>
white <span class="word-self">coalspan>
xyloid <span class="word-self">coalspan>
ksiloid kömür
English - English

Definition of coal- in English English dictionary

<span class="word-self">coalspan>-tar
Alternative spelling of coal tar
<span class="word-self">coalspan>-black
very dark black
<span class="word-self">coalspan>-black
of the blackest black; similar to the color of jet or coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan>-fired
using coal to make something work
at the <span class="word-self">coalspan> face
To be directly engaged in the operations of a business, rather than in a hands-off, managerial position
black as <span class="word-self">coalspan>
Completely black
black <span class="word-self">coalspan>
high quality coal

Can we this quote? Walter Hines Page, Arthur Wilson Page, The World's work, Volume 38:The drop in 1918 was also a fall in the production of black coal. In other words he losses were in the best coal, the gains in the poorer coal.

black <span class="word-self">coalspan>
canary in a <span class="word-self">coalspan> mine
A warning of danger or trouble yet to come
channel <span class="word-self">coalspan>
A kind of coal historically found near ground surface which split like shale rock and burned with medium smoke, a yellow flame and a sulfur smell
clean <span class="word-self">coalspan>
Coal which has been cleaned up to make it environmentally acceptable
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
To be converted to charcoal
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
To take in coal; as, the steamer coaled at Southampton
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A smouldering piece of material

Just as the camp-fire died down to just coals, with no flames to burn the marshmallows, someone dumped a whole load of wood on, so I gave up and went to bed.

<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A black rock formed from prehistoric plant remains, composed largely of carbon and burned as a fuel
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A type of coal, such as bituminous, anthracite, or lignite, and grades and varieties thereof
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A piece of coal used for burning. Note that in British English the first of the following examples would usually be used, whereas in American English the latter would

Put some coal on the fire.

<span class="word-self">coalspan> ball
A nodule of plant material permeated with minerals found mostly in bituminous and anthracite coal seams
<span class="word-self">coalspan> bed
A coal seam
<span class="word-self">coalspan> black
A black colour, like that of coal; charcoal

coal black colour:.

<span class="word-self">coalspan> black
Of a black colour, like that of coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan> drop
An elevated railway track designed to allow material to fall freely between the rails onto the ground beneath. It is used to rapidly unload hoppers containing coal and other bulk materials.Ellis, Iain (2006). Ellis' British Railway Engineering Encyclopaedia. Lulu. page 70. ISBN 978-1-84728-643-7
<span class="word-self">coalspan> drops
plural form of coal drop
<span class="word-self">coalspan> gas
The poisonous gas, used domestically for cooking etc and formerly for lighting, prepared by heating coal with steam; it is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide; synthesis gas or town gas
<span class="word-self">coalspan> mine
A mine from which coal is mined
<span class="word-self">coalspan> mines
plural form of coal mine
<span class="word-self">coalspan> oil
kerosene or any unspecified lower grade derivative of crude petroleum
<span class="word-self">coalspan> seam
A stratum of coal between strata of other rocks
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar
A black, viscous tar made by the destructive distillation of coal (to make coke and town gas); it contains a great number of compounds including hydrocarbons and phenols; used in the preparation of medicated soap and shampoo, and industrially for the manufacture of very many products

Phenol can be obtained from coal tars by two methods : (a) Directly by separation of the product contained in this type of feedstock, at the rate of 0.5 to 1.5 per cent weight.

<span class="word-self">coalspan> tars
plural form of coal tar
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tit
One of the smallest birds of the tit family Paridae, Periparus ater, with a black cap, white nape patch and greyish body with buff underparts
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tits
plural form of coal tit
white <span class="word-self">coalspan>
water that is being used to generate power
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
{i} fuel made from carbon; cinder, ember
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
{v} to burn wood to charcoal, to sketch out
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
{n} wood burnt or burning, any combustible from which the volatile parts have been expelled by fire, an inflammable fossil
sub-bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
Sub-bituminous coal is a coal whose properties range from those of lignite to those of bituminous coal and are used primarily as fuel for steam-electric power generation
subbituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
A dull, black coal of rank intermediate between lignite and bituminous coal
<span class="word-self">Coalspan>
European <span class="word-self">Coalspan> and Steel Community
Administrative agency designed to integrate the coal and steel industries of France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. It originated in the plan of Robert Schuman (1950) to establish a common market for coal and steel by those countries willing to submit to an independent authority. Created in 1952, the ECSC came to include all members of the European Union. It initially removed barriers to trade in coal, coke, steel, pig iron, and scrap iron; it later supervised the reduction of its members' excess production. In 1967 its governing bodies were merged into the European Community. When the treaty expired in 2002, the ECSC was dissolved
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
A shiny black coal that develops from deeply buried lignite through heat and pressure, and that has a carbon content of 80% to 93%, which makes it a more efficient heating fuel than lignite
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
A dense coal, usually black, sometimes dark brown, often with well-defined bands of bright and dull material, used primarily as fuel in steam-electric power generation, with substantial quantities also used for heat and power applications in manufacturing and to make coke Bituminous coal is the most abundant coal in active U S mining regions Its moisture content usually is less then 20 percent The heat content of bituminous coal ranges from 21 to 30 million Btu per ton on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
The most common coal It is dense and black (often with well-defined bands of bright and dull material) Its moisture content usually is less than 20 percent It is used for generating electricity, making coke, and space heating
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
The most common type of coal with moisture content less than 20% by weight and heating value of 10,500 to 14,000 Btus per pound It is dense and black and often has well-defined bands of bright and dull material
bituminous <span class="word-self">coalspan>
the most abundant type of coal, which has a high heating value and usually a high sulfur content Illinois coal is bituminous coal
burning <span class="word-self">coalspan>
ember, smoldering remains of a fire
canal <span class="word-self">coalspan>
See Cannel coal
candle <span class="word-self">coalspan>
See Cannel coal
cannel <span class="word-self">coalspan>
It burns readily, with a clear, yellow flame, and on this account has been used as a substitute for candles
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A black or brownish-black solid combustible substance, formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable matter, that is widely used as a natural fuel
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A solid, brittle, more or less distinctly stratified combustible carbonaceous rock, formed by partial to complete decomposition of vegetation; varies in color from dark brown to black; not fusible without decomposition and very insoluble
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A generic term applied to carbonaceous rocks that were formed by the partial or complete decomposition of vegetation These stratified carbonaceous rocks are either solid or brittle and are highly combustible
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A type of coal, such as bitumenous, anthracite, or lignite, and grades and varieties thereof
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
Sedimentary rock composed of combustible matter derived from the partial decomposition of plant material
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
To mark or delineate with charcoal
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A hard mineral that is flammable, and gives off heat and light It forms when decayed vegetable matter is compacted by Earth's crust From soft to hard, giving less heat to more heat, the main types are lignite, subbituminous, bituminous, and anthracite
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
n a rock composed primarily of carbonaceous material derived from vegetation
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
coal is a form of stored solar energy It is created from the remains of plants that have been concentrated by heat and pressure for millions of years Coal is found in various forms or "grades," which depend on the ratio of carbon mass to energy content Represented in descending order of hardness and energy content per pound, these grades are anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous and lignite [return to top]
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
Fossil peat, a layered rock composed largely of chemically and physically altered plant remains mixed with a lesser amount of inorganic material (ash)
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A solid fossil fuel consisting mainly of carbon produced by the compression of decayed plants
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
{f} provide with coal; take in coal; burn to coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A mineral form of carbon Coal is used as heat source and to produce carbon monoxide, CO, which is the primary reducing agent in the smelting of iron Anthracite, or hard coal contains 90 to 99% carbon, by mass Bitumonous and lignite coal have less carbon and more impurities and are not usually used in ironnmaking
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A fossil fuel made of sedimentary organic rock that contains more than 40 percent carbon by weight after moisture has been removed It is formed from plant matter that decayed in swamps and bogs that has been compressed and altered by geological processes over millions of years Four main types of coal have been identified and ranked based on how much carbon and energy they contain: lignite, subbituminous coal, bituminous coal, and anthracite
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
a fossil fuel comprised primarily of carbon formed by the decomposition of plant matter in non-marine environments billions of years ago; a fossil fuel
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
take in coal; "The big ship coaled"
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
Sedimentary rock composed of the compacted, lithified and altered remains of plants Coal is a solid, combustible mixture of organic compounds, hydrocarbons, with 30 % to 98 % carbon by weight, mixed with various amounts of water and small amounts of sulfur and nitrogen compounds It is formed in several stages as the remains of plants are subjected to heat and pressure over millions of years
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
Coals are burning pieces of coal. It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start cooking. Solid, usually black but sometimes brown, carbon-rich material that occurs in stratified sedimentary deposits. One of the most important fossil fuels, it is found in many parts of the world. Coal is formed by heat and pressure over millions of years on vegetation deposited in ancient shallow swamps (see peat). It varies in density, porosity, hardness, and reflectivity. The major types are lignite, subbituminous, bituminous, and anthracite. Coal has long been used as fuel, for power generation, for the production of coke, and as a source of various compounds used in synthesizing dyes, solvents, and drugs. The search for alternative energy sources has periodically revived interest in the conversion of coal into liquid fuels; technologies for coal liquefaction have been known since early in the 20th century. hard coal bituminous coal soft coal Coal Measures coal mining European Coal and Steel Community subbituminous coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A smoldering piece of material
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A combustible rock of organic origin composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen with lesser amounts of nitrogen, sulphur and other elements Coal is formed from accumulated vegetable matter that has been altered by decay and by various amounts of heat and pressure
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A black or brownish/black solid, combustible substance formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable matter without access to air Types of coal are anthracite, subanthracite, bituminous, subbituminous and lignite; the categories are based on fixed carbon, volatile matter, coking properties and heating value
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A readily combustible black or brownish-black rock whose composition, including inherent moisture, consists of more than 50 percent by weight and more than 70 percent by volume of carbonaceous material It is formed from plant remains that have been compacted, hardened, chemically altered, and metamorphosed by heat and pressure over geologic time
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
An organic mineral product resulting from the accumulation of organic material in peat bogs millions of years ago Geologic process compressed the peat into a carbonaceous material Coal varies in quality due to the inclusion of non-organic materials such as sand, silt and clay These determine the character of the coal ash and clinkers Coal also contains variable quantities of volitile hyrdocarbon compounds and sulfur This large number of variables means coal can be in any number of grades ranging from peat, to nearly pure carbon to slate Bituminous coal is a soft coal resulting from the volatile content Anthricite is hard coal that is low in volatiles See our coal and charcoal FAQ
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
fossil fuel consisting of carbonized vegetable matter deposited in the Carboniferous period
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
a name for a group of chemical sedimentary rocks produced from decayed plant matter in a swampy or bog environment Varieties of coal include peat, lignite, bituminous, and anthracite
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
To burn to charcoal; to char
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A thoroughly charred, and extinguished or still ignited, fragment from wood or other combustible substance; charcoal
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A black or brownish-black solid, combustible substance formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable matter without access to air The rank of coal, which includes anthracite, bituminous coal, subbituminous coal, and lignite, is based on fixed carbon, volatile matter, and heating value Coal rank indicates the progressive alteration, or coalification, from lignite to anthracite Lignite contains approximately 9 to 17 million British Thermal Unit (BTU) per ton The heat contents of subbituminous and bituminous coal range from 16 to 24 million BTU per ton, and from 19 to 30 million BTU per ton, respectively Anthracite contains approximately 22 to 28 million BTU per ton
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
Coal is a hard black substance that is extracted from the ground and burned as fuel. Gas-fired electricity is cheaper than coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
fossil fuel consisting of carbonized vegetable matter deposited in the Carboniferous period take in coal; "The big ship coaled
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A black, or brownish black, solid, combustible substance, dug from beds or veins in the earth to be used for fuel, and consisting, like charcoal, mainly of carbon, but more compact, and often affording, when heated, a large amount of volatile matter
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
means combustible carbonaceous rock, classified as anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, or lignite by ASTM Standard D388-84 found at pp 247-252 in Vol 5 05 of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards published by the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St , Philadelphia, PA 19103
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
black or blackish mineral substance formed from the compaction of ancient plant matter in tropical swamp conditions coal mining extraction of coal (a sedimentary rock) from the Earth's crust Coal mines may be opencast (see opencast mining), adit, or deepcast The least expensive is opencast but this results in scars on the landscape
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
supply with coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
To supply with coal; as, to coal a steamer
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
A fossil fuel composed mostly of carbon, with traces of hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and other elements
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
a hot glowing or smouldering fragment of wood or coal left from a fire
<span class="word-self">coalspan>
burn to charcoal; "Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything"
<span class="word-self">coalspan> black
a very dark black
<span class="word-self">coalspan> bunker
{i} coal storehouse
<span class="word-self">coalspan> burner
simple boiler fuelled by coal that produces steam and turns a turbine and generate electricity
<span class="word-self">coalspan> car
{i} freight car that has no roof and is used for transporting coal into or from a mine
<span class="word-self">coalspan> chute
a chute for coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan> dust
particles of coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan> field
area containing a substantial amount of coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan> gas
gas made from coal (used for heating)
<span class="word-self">coalspan> house
a shed for storing coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan> industry
a producer of coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan> mine
a mine where coal is dug from the ground
<span class="word-self">coalspan> mine
A coal mine is a place where coal is dug out of the ground. a place from which coal is dug out of the ground miner
<span class="word-self">coalspan> scuttle
A coal scuttle is a container for keeping coal in. a specially shaped container with a handle for carrying coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan> scuttle
container for coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan> seam
Coal deposits occur in layers Each such layer is called a ''seam ''
<span class="word-self">coalspan> seam
an accumulation of vegetable matter that is buried and compressed into a black to brown rock like material and results in a layer of coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar
A dark brown to black, semi-solid hydrocarbon obtained as residue from the partial evaporation or distillation of coal
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar
A dark brown to black, semi-solid hydrocarbon obtained as residue from the partial evaporation of distillation of coal tar
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar
Tar produced during the coking of coal, sometimes used as a coatings binder
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tar
Coal tar is a thick black liquid made from coal which is used for making drugs and chemical products. coal tar dyes. A viscous black liquid containing numerous organic compounds that is obtained by the destructive distillation of coal and used as a roofing, waterproofing, and insulating compound and as a raw material for many dyes, drugs, and paints. a thick black sticky liquid made by heating coal without air, from which many drugs and chemical products are made
<span class="word-self">coalspan> tongs
tongs for gripping burning coals
cob <span class="word-self">coalspan>
Coal in rounded lumps of various sizes. Also called cobbles
gas <span class="word-self">coalspan>
coal which is used in making gas
hard <span class="word-self">coalspan>
a hard natural coal that burns slowly and gives intense heat
sea <span class="word-self">coalspan>
Coal brought by sea; a name by which mineral coal was formerly designated in the south of England, in distinction from charcoal, which was brought by land
wood <span class="word-self">coalspan>
lignite: intermediate between peat and bituminous coal


    ... in coal and oil and gas. I'm going to make sure – ...
    ... the largest investment in clean coal technology, to make sure that even as we're producing ...