An extreme dependency by one person on another who is suffering from an addiction. Common characteristics include low self-esteem coupled with a high need for approval. Not a formal psychiatric diagnosis, codependency is a psychological syndrome noted in relatives or partners of alcoholics or substance abusers
A set of maladaptive, compulsive behaviors learned by family members in order to survive in a family which is experiencing great emotional pain and stress (Ex: perfectionism, workaholism, procrastination, dependent relationships, possessiveness, and or controlling relationships ) [Could be me, but I am just trying to control help ]
a concept that individuals who live with a person having an alcohol (or other drug) dependence suffer themselves from difficulties of self-image and social independence
A set of maladaptive, compulsive behaviors learned by family members to survive in an emotionally painful and stressful environment These behaviors are passed on from generation to generation whether alcoholism is present or not
A codependent person is one who has let another persons behavior affect him or her, and is obsessed with controlling that persons behavior A codependent is also someone who accepts responsibility for someone elses irresponsible behavior A pattern of behavior in which those who are in a close relationship with an alcoholic/addict become in turn dependent upon that persons chemical dependency The codependent builds his or her needs and life around the dependent person The addict is addicted to the drug, but the codependent is addicted to the addict The addict may also be codependent