clothes worn under the outer garments and next to the skin, underclothing

listen to the pronunciation of clothes worn under the outer garments and next to the skin, underclothing
English - Turkish

Definition of clothes worn under the outer garments and next to the skin, underclothing in English Turkish dictionary

(isim) iç çamaşırı
(Tekstil) iç çamaşırı, iç giyim
{i} iç çamaşırı

Hiç iç çamaşırı giymiyorum. - I am not wearing any underwear.

Bu iç çamaşırı yıkanmalı. - This underwear needs to be washed.

iç çamaşır

Bu iç çamaşırı yıkanmalı. - This underwear needs to be washed.

Tek kanıt iç çamaşıra yapışmış meni kalıntılarıydı. - The only proof was the remains of the semen which had stuck to the underwear.

English - English
{i} underwear
clothes worn under the outer garments and next to the skin, underclothing


    clothes worn un·der the out·er garments and next to the skin, un·der·cloth·ing

