(Denizcilik) bankalar veya diğer finansal kuruluşlarda çek ve senet gibi ödeme araçlarından doğan borç ve alacakları nakit para kullanılmadan muhasebe işlemleriyle karşılıklı olarak tasfiye edilmesini sağlayan birim
A separate division or corporation of a commodity exchange through which all transactions executed on the floor of the exchange are settled The clearing house assures proper conduct of the exchange's delivery procedures and the adequate financing of the trading (margining) protecting both parties from financial loss
An agency or separate corporation of a futures exchange that is responsible for settling trading accounts, collecting and maintaining margin monies, regulating delivery and reporting trade data
– an organisation that exists to gather information from a variety of sources and distribute it to individuals and organisations according to their different needs In the US the Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC) collects, processes, and distributes educational information among teachers and educational researchers
An organisation associated with a futures/options exchange that guarantees the performance of both parties to the contract, collects margin and maintains records of the parties to the transactions
If an organization acts as a clearing house, it collects, sorts, and distributes specialized information. The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists
A public or private entity that processes or facilitates the processing of nonstandard data elements of health information into standard data elements (HIPAA, Subtitle F, Section 262(a) Section 1171(2))
An adjunct to, or division of, a commodity exchange through which transactions executed on the floor of the exchange are settled Also charged with assuring the proper conduct of the exchange's delivery procedures and the adequate financing of the trading
a directory which describes for customers and potential customers what data is available and what the arrangements are to gain access to the data The data could be government or non-government, the directory would include both metadata and general information and the data may be available through a variety of means, including the Internet, CD ROM and hardcopy
An agency or separate corporation of a futures exchange that is responsible for settling trading accounts, clearing trades, collecting and maintaining margin monies, regulating delivery, and reporting trading data Clearinghouses act as third parties to all futures and options contracts acting as a buyer to every clearing member seller and a seller to every clearing member buyer