A comedo, a skin blemish, a type of acne vulgaris, where a pore becomes clogged with a dark, hard, cheesy keratin-filled substance forming a hard black "head" on the skin's surface
A disease of turkeys caused by the protozoan Histomonas meleagridis Also called histomoniasis or infectious enterohepatitis
also known as a comedone, it is a plug of oxidised sebum and keratin which blocks the openings of pores Often seen in acne
A comedo, a skin blemish, a type of acne vulgaris, where a pore becomes clogged with a dark, hard, cheesey keratin-filled substance forming a hard black "head" on the skins surface
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cilt·te bu·lu·nan si·yah baş·lı kü·çük yağ bi·ri·kin·ti·si