ciliary muscle

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English - English
A muscle controlling the eye's accommodation for viewing objects at varying distances
The ciliary muscle is a smooth muscle that affects zonular fibers in the eye (fibers that suspend the lens in position during accommodation), enabling changes in lens shape for light focusing. When the ciliary muscle contracts, it releases the tension on the lens caused by the zonular fibers (fibers that hold or flatten the lens). The release of tension of the zonular fibers causes the lens to become more spherical. Therefore, relaxation of the ciliary muscle causes the zonular fibers to become taut, flattening the lens, increasing long range focus
(Anatomi) A circular band of smooth muscle fibers situated in the ciliary body and serving as the chief agent in accommodation when it contracts by drawing the ciliary processes centripetally and relaxing the suspensory ligament of the lens so that the lens is permitted to become more convex