(1) Any varnish coating particularly those found on metal; (2) a solution of cellulose nitrate that dries to form a film; (a) urushi, or oriental lacquer Load line: The line that bears the weight of a lift Loan agreement: A contract between a lender and a borrower of an object or objects, specifying the object(s) and outlining the conditions of loan and the respective responsibilities of each party Loss limit: The maximum amount an insurance policy will pay for a single loss ABC- DEF- GHI- JKL- MNO- PQR- STU- VWX- YZ Updated 12-3-98 Please send comments to: the RCAAM Webmaster
A clear coating, usually glossy, applied to a printed piece for protection or special effect
a hard glossy coating a black resinous substance obtained from certain trees and used as a natural varnish coat with lacquer; "A lacquered box from China
A deposit resulting from the oxidation and polymerization of fuels and lubricants when exposed to high temperatures Similar to, but harder, than varnish
A liquid resin or compound applied to textile braid to prevent fraying, moisture absorption, etc
A protective coating of polyurethane used to protect the wood of the guitar from scratched or dings A thick coat of Lacquer can inhibit the ability of the top to vibrate and produce sound French polish is often preferred on high-end guitars to preserve the sound quality, but the wood is left exposed to damage by the slightest touch The advantage of lacquer is that it is best way to protect the wood from damage
Red or black coating that imparts a high gloss to surfaces of chinese antique furniture