
listen to the pronunciation of chef…
English - Turkish

Definition of chef… in English Turkish dictionary


Mükemmel bir aşçısın. - You're an excellent chef.

Tom meşhur bir aşçıdır. - Tom is a famous chef.

{i} ahçıbaşı
aşçı başı
chef cook
(Gıda) şef aşçı

En sevdiğiniz tv şefi kimdir? - Who's your favorite TV chef?

Sadece pilav hazırlamayı öğrenmek suşi şeflerinin iki yılını alır. - It takes sushi chefs two years just to learn how to prepare rice.


Tom ünlü bir aşçıbaşı. - Tom is a renowned chef.

baş yapıt
chef de partie
mutfaklarda bölüm şefi
{i} ahçı
chef d'oeuvre
chef steward
bulaşıkhane şefi
chef's salad
şefin salatası
executive chef
(Gıda) aşçı başı
celebrity chef
ünlü şef
demi chef
kıdemli şef
head chef
Aşçı başı

The head chef claims that only fresh vegetables are used in the production of their soups.

German - English
chief (highest in rank or authority)
boss (supreme head of an institution/organization)
Chef des Bundeskanzleramts
Head of the Federal Chancellery
Chef des Bundeskanzleramts
Chief of Staff
Chef des Stabes
chief of staff
Chef einer Musikgruppe
Chef und Mädchen für alles
chief cook and bottle washer
first-name dealings / terms with the boss
train supervisor
conductor (railway)
chief guards
chief guard
train supervisors
Das muss der Chef bewilligen.
You have to get the boss to okay it
Der Chef hat gesagt, dass wir heute früher Schluss machen können.
The boss said we could knock off (work) early today
Der Chef sollte sich seinen Angestellten gegenüber nicht so plump-vertraulich ge
The boss shouldn't be getting palsy-walsy with his employees
Der Chef wird mir die Hölle heiß machen.
I'll catch hell from my boss
Der Chef wird mir die Hölle heiß machen.
My boss will give me hell
Der Vorschlag ist bei unserem Chef nicht besonders gut angekommen.
The suggestion didn't go down very well with our boss
Der neue Chef ist das Thema Nummer Eins.
The new boss has been the chief topic of conversation
Die Verantwortung liegt eindeutig beim Chef.
The buck stops firmly with the boss
Du wirst dir beim Chef die Erlaubnis holen müssen.
You will need to obtain permission from the principal
Er wurde zum Chef zitiert.
He received a summons to the boss's office. / a summons from the boss
Ich nehme mir den Tag frei, wenn ich das mit meinem Chef regeln kann.
I'll take the day off if I can square it with my boss
In dieser Angelegenheit hat nur der Chef das Sagen.
In this matter only the boss has the say
Mein Chef hat mir 10% vom Lohn abgezogen, weil...
My boss docked 10% off my wages, because
Mein Chef hatte ein Einsehen und gab mir frei.
My boss relented and let me have the time off
Mein Chef ist heute nicht da, also werden Sie mit mir vorlieb nehmen müssen, für
My boss is not here today, so I'm afraid you'll have to make do with me
Mein Chef sieht die meisten Dinge ziemlich locker.
My boss is pretty laid-back about most things
Meine Aufgaben wechseln täglich, wie es dem Chef gerade in den Sinn kommt.
My duties change daily at the whim of the boss
Pausenvertretung für den Chef (Person)
marzipan man
Sie sind der Chef!
You are the boss!
Sobald der Chef zur Tür hereinkam, entfalteten alle eine plötzliche Betriebsamke
As soon as the boss came in the door, everyone sprang into action
Wir könnten doch eigentlich deinen Chef bitten, eine E-Mail zu verschicken, in d
Come to think of it, we could ask your boss to send out an e-mail seeking volunteers
beim Chef antreten
to report to the chief
der Chef, der den Laden hier schmeißt/schupft
the boss who's running the whole shebang
jds. Chef
jds. Chef
jds. Chef
jds. Chef
jds. Chef
honcho (superior)
jds. Chef
sb.'s boss
English - English

Definition of chef… in English English dictionary

The head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant, club, or wealthy family
Same as chief
chef d'œuvre
A piece of work that has been given much critical praise, especially one that is considered the greatest work of a person's career
chef d'œuvre
A work of outstanding creativity, skill or workmanship
chef d'œuvre
A work created in order to qualify as a master craftsman and member of a guild
chef de partie
A chef in charge of a particular area of production in the kitchen, such as fish or roast meats
chef salad
A salad of hard-boiled eggs, meat, tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese (often shredded or crumbled), and sometimes anchovies, all placed on a bed of tossed lettuce or other leaf vegetables
chef salads
plural form of chef salad
{i} professional cook, head cook
A culinary expert The chief of the kitchen
Most chefs are extremely well qualified having graduated from some of the best culinary schools of the world such as the Culinary Institute of America in New York or the Cordon Bleu in Paris Some of them have owned their own restaurants before embarking on a career at sea They are able to cater to your preferences and any dietary wishes you may have such as fat free, low sugar, low cholesterol, gluten free, etc
The head cook of large establishment, as a club, a family, etc
Term usually associated with a cook or the head ‘chef’ This is a person who has responsibility In the restaurant a chef - full title chef de rang - is the station waiter, a person responsible for the service to a number of tables, around 20-25 customers See also: Chef de Rang, Chef de Cuisine, Restaurant Brigade
A chef is a cook in a restaurant or hotel. A cook, especially the chief cook of a large kitchen staff
(chef / SEf /) nom masculin ou féminin, noun Leader; Adapted by Cathy Seeley from Le Dictionnaire Hachette-Oxford, Version 1 1, Copyright Oxford University Press-Hachette Livre, 1994-1996; also Copyright AND Technology, Ltd, 1994-1996
(French) A culinary expert The chief of the kitchen
a professional cook
A chief of head person
1} A very grumpy man or woman who is in charge of creating foods and food combinations 2} One who has access to very large knives
A French word for a natural leaven starter which is retained and used from bake to bake Sometimes it refers to a piece of old dough saved off for the next bake, sometimes to a starter in its first stage, either a batter- or dough-like consistency In classic French baking a "chef" is "built" (or "elaborated") into a "levain" (a firm dough-like consistency) which is again built (or elaborated) into leavening for final bread dough
chef d'oeuvre
(French) masterpiece (in art or literature), extraordinary work of art
chef's hat
{i} tall starched white hat worn by chefs
chef's salad
the combination prepared as prepared as a particular chef's specialty
chef's salad
A tossed green salad that usually includes raw vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, and julienne strips of cheese and meat
The chef underneath the head chef in the chef's hierarchy
The Naked Chef
{i} nickname of Jamie Oliver, James Trevor Oliver (born 1975), British celebrity chef who has written cookbooks and has his own TV cooking shows
celebrity chef
{i} chef who is famous for his or her cooking and often appears on a TV cooking show or has his/her own TV show
with compliments of the chef
with blessings from the manager, with compliments from the head cook