(Askeri) NİHAİ KONTROL: Bir silah sistemi veya buna bağlı bir unsurun hal ve durumunu belirlemek için işlevi, çalışması ve kalibrasyonu ile ilgili olarak girişilen bir dizi test
(Askeri) MONTAJ VE KONTROL (HV.): Tesislerin programlanmış görevi yerine getirme hususundaki kabiliyetini göstermek üzere, bir füze atış sistemi, füze bakım ve montaj atölyesi, güdüm tesisi ve yere dönüş aracı tesisinde kurulmuş veya kullanılmakta olan teçhizatın mahallinde, birleştirme kontrolleri ve denetlemesiyle ilgili işlemler
(Askeri) FÜZE MONTAJ KONTROL TESİSİ: Faal bir füze fırlatma mahali yanında, füze sisteminin nihai montajı ve kontrolü için tasarlanan bir bina, karavan veya diğer tür bir yapı
the process of checking out of a hotel, or the latest time to vacate a room in one
the process of checking out items at a supermarket or library, or the place where this is done
1 A sequence of actions taken to test or examine a thing as to its readiness for incorporation into a new phase of use, or for the performance of its intended function
{i} final test, final inspection; conclusion of a stay at a hotel; place where one pays for purchases in a commercial establishment
the process of retrieving a copy of a file contained in a business object to a workstation
The action of verifying a student's or employee's knowledge of an item given in written material
In a supermarket, a checkout is a counter where you pay for things you are buying. queuing at the checkout in Sainsbury's
the act of inspecting or verifying; "they made a check of their equipment"; "the pilot ran through the check-out procedure"
An operation that occurs when a file in the source archive must be modified Checking out a file in most Version Control Systems* locks* it, and prevents other people from checking the file out In most Version Control Systems* , a file cannot be examined unless checked out In these types of systems, a special read-only checkout is done This type of checkout allows other users to checkout the file and modify it
A checkout is a circulation transaction that occurs when a patron borrows one or more resources from a checkout center for a limited period of time See Also: Reservation, Allocation
a counter in a supermarket where you pay for your purchases the latest time for vacating a hotel room; "the checkout here is 12 noon