chambre à un lit

listen to the pronunciation of chambre à un lit
French - Turkish
tek yataklı oda
French - English
{n} single
Designed for a single use; not reusable

the anti-aircraft rocket is fired from a single use launch platform.

A one-way ticket
To identify or select one member of a group from the others; generally used with out, either to single out or to single (something) out

Evonne always wondered why Ernest had singled her out of the group of giggling girls she hung around with.

A score of one point, awarded when a kicked ball is dead within the non-kicking team's end zone or has exited that end zone. Officially known in the rules as a rouge
To get a hit that advances the batter exactly one base

Pedro singled in the bottom of the eighth inning, which, if converted to a run, would put the team back into contention.

{a} alone, unmarried, simple, uncorrupt
A ball hit by a player that allows him to reach 1st base uncontested
To select, as an individual person or thing, from among a number; to choose out from others; to separate
A hit in baseball where the batter advances to first base
– Your filing status is single if, on the last day of the year, you are unmarried or legally separated from your spouse under a divorce or separate maintenance decree, and you do not qualify for another filing status Back to Top
One flower per plant Single flower plants often grow in clumps, appearing to be one individually flowered plant
A score of one run
or MULTIPLE recipients
A bill valued at $1
Not divided in parts
An unaccompanied golfer
the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one"
A single ticket is a ticket for a journey from one place to another but not back again. The price of a single ticket is thirty-nine pounds. return Single is also a noun. a Club Class single to Los Angeles
A recording format introduced in the late 1940's (at approximately the same time as the introduction of the 33 1/3-RPM long-playing record, both of which were designed to replace the old 78-RPM record LP's were initially favored for classical music, while popular music appeared on singles (which were smaller and cheaper, and also used in jukeboxes) In the early history of rock and roll, singles came first, only later to be assembled into albums (if at all), but in the 1960's and 1970's this pattern reversed, with albums coming first and singles drawn from them--thus diminishing the importance of the single With the advent of the CD in the 1980s, singles became issued in this format (usually the same physical size as the CD's containing LP-length materieal, but less expensive), and the vinyl single largely disappeared from view Today's MP3 files and other computer formats are the descendent of the single
in single file: see file see also single-